Peri voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Are you a visual person? Can you "see" things? Look at this! Read More
Your employees have a direct impact on how customers view your business. They are usually the first ones to come in contact with potential customers and their appearance, attitude and demeanor can easily be a turn off. Maybe your employees aren't even aware of the subtle signals they are giving out. Luckily, there are small changes that employee Read More

Interview with Joseph Kelly, CEO Loopthing

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Startups
From 5582 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on June 17, 2009 8:49 pm
Joseph Kelly is CEO of the Loopthing, the newly launched social business network, The service provides any business or self employed person with the opportunity to create an interactive profile in addition to forming and joining networks that relate to their area of business. Together with the open application environment that is Read More
Negative customers are a fact of selling. How can you still sell to a naysayer? Read More
This post was originally in YOUmoz, and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author's views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. We all know by this time about the benefits of converting your parameterized URLs to human- and crawler-friendly URLs, but Read More

Avoiding Slavery to Our Digital Devices

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Technology
From 5583 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 17, 2009 2:50 pm
In today's world, we are increasingly becoming more and more connected. It wasn't that long ago that being connected meant having a pager on your hip or a cell phone to keep in contact with business partners when away from the office. Read More

Direct Comparison Ads: Do They Work Best?

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Advertising
From 5583 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 17, 2009 2:51 pm
Advertising works when it is done right. There is no question in that. Companies spend millions of dollars on ad campaigns trying to target the right market and convince them of something. Read More

Are You Selling Your L-Factor?

Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Sales
From 5583 days ago
Made Hot by: bmtrnavsky on June 17, 2009 10:36 am
A person's likeability factor is often referred to by people such as Simon Cowell when assessing contestants for TV shows like Pop Idol. While it might be a commonly used term, how many of us really understand what it means? How can you use your own L-factor to improve your sales performance? Read More

Are Franchisees Really Entrepreneurs? Yes And No

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 6:12 pm
The former managing editor of Entrepreneur magazine weighs in... Read More

How to Build Your Business Credit Rating

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Finance
From 5587 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 15, 2009 12:55 pm
Having a good business credit rating is a golden key that can help open the doors of financing- whether from the bank, vendors and suppliers, or potential investors. And with the current economic environment making it harder for small businesses to get the financing they need, this key is all the more vital to the success of a business. Read More

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