Pixel_pro voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Stay Calm, make an assessment and restructure with a better business strategy to cope with pesky financial struggles that keep your business down.

Opening your own business is a challenge like no other.

The hours, the money, the drama… It all takes its toll.

And sometimes, we even face fin Read More
Stand apart from the competition - Find out how to make the core elements of visual identity branding work for your business and your customers.

Being recognizable, giving personality to the company and differentiating it from its competitors are the three main functions and backbone of this ide Read More

5 Search Engine Optimization Tips & SEO Trends for 2019

5 Search Engine Optimization Tips & SEO Trends for 2019 - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Online Marketing
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2056 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on November 23, 2018 5:21 am
Looking for the hottest search engine optimization tips and SEO trends for 2019? Take a look at the SEO trends that will really matter here.
Through focusing on your SEO, especially during the final months of the year, you’ll be a whole step ahead of your competitors and be able to optimize your w Read More

Enhance Your Business Growth With These 8 Simple Steps

Enhance Your Business Growth With These 8 Simple Steps - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Online Marketing
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2057 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on November 27, 2018 9:39 am
8 simple things you can do right now to enhance your business growth and edge out your competition. Add these to your marketing strategy today!

he digital age has created a plethora of new opportunities for businesses to reach and engage new audiences.

But with so many businesses now online a Read More
5 Awesome Electronics Store Templates that have killer CTAs in place and tools to make your eCommerce website management and store operations way easier.

5 Awesome Electronics Store Templates that have killer CTAs in place with killer tools to make your eCommerce website management and store ope Read More
Here's a few magical tweaks to improve your eCommerce SEO and boost those sales just in time for the Holiday Shopping Rush this year.

It is the time of the year that represents the peak of spending, meaning that it could also be a peak for your eCommerce sales.

But only if you’re prepared.
Read More
Digital Marketing Tactics Change Fast, but here are 6 evergreen online marketing tactics that every business should be using.

Sometimes it seems impossible to find and implement marketing strategies that work. As a business owner you know you need them to be successful and competitive in the mar Read More
Use email and social media marketing to build brand awareness, increase customer reach and then use personalized communication to clench the sale.

Everyone is looking for that “killer” digital marketing strategy to increase online sales.

If this is you… don’t miss out on the power of email ma Read More

How to Measure Your Business Growth & Performance

How to Measure Your Business Growth & Performance - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Management
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2064 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on November 15, 2018 10:37 am
As a small business owner, how do you effectively measure your business growth and what exactly is the measure of success in your business performance?

When you run a business, it is important to be able to measure how it is growing.

How else will know whether your marketing is working and wh Read More
What's worse than spending $1 Million on Logo Rebranding? Spending $1 Million only to revert back to your original Logo 6 days later.

What can you learn from these costly rebranding fails? Read More

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