Pixel_pro voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Struggling to reach Millennial consumers? Pay attention to who's on your payroll - Millennial employees are better suited to understanding their piers.

There’s a good reason why companies should pay attention to millennials in the marketplace and on their payroll: It’s a matter of numbers.

Th Read More
If you're just now getting familiar with Software like GoToWebinar for business meetings, take a look at the Best Webinar Platforms available - right here.

If you’ve never hosted a webinar before, it can be tough knowing where to start.

To help navigate the webinar hosting process, you should Read More
Hiring the right external consultants can streamline your business operations and improve your bottom line, find out how with these tips.

Companies often hire consultants to save time and money (or both) when combating a particular business obstacle or issue. Consultants can provide a level of e Read More
A website revamp already? It probably feels like you just did one... how bad could your website be to need another revamp?

You should be asking yourself, is my website doing everything it can for my customers?

A responsive, nice-looking, and easy to use website is crucial for business success Read More
2018's a Wrap! It's time to catch up again with these marketing trends to watch in 2019 if you want to keep driving those sales to your online store.

You finally mastered 2018’s marketing tactics and now 2019 rolls out with it’s new marketing trends to watch out for.

Just when you believe you Read More
All Design, both graphic and web, is about the user experience, that's why psychology for UX designers is so important to the all mighty conversion.

Being equipped with the psychological knowledge of how to deal with your customers and make them happy is the focus for all UX designers.

Design Read More
Every Digital Marketing Department handles private information across a myriad of online channels leaving clients vulnerable to security risk.

If you happen to manage a digital marketing department, then you likely work with data a great deal. This is necessary in the digital marketing space as Read More
Fresh content is pivital to the success of any blog, but how often should you publish to your blog to appease your audience and rank in search?

To be honest, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

So, when it comes to deciding how often should you post in your blog – you’re Read More

The Anatomy of a Google-Friendly Website

The Anatomy of a Google-Friendly Website - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Online Marketing
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2013 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on January 5, 2019 3:10 am
Find out how to combine design, research and SEO tactics to create the ultimate Google-Friendly Website, keep reading to learn how.
Google is the powerhouse of search engines, even with China-based Baidu raising in fame. One of the reasons why Google has prevailed over all other search engines is Read More
Most will agree that SEO copywriting is a key element in every SEO strategy, but at the same time online writing can be quite the big challenge.

The challenging part of SEO copywriting is mainly due to the volatile nature of the algorithms of the search engines.

Luckily, this article outlines Read More

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