Pixel_pro voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The vast majority of college graduates are starting careers overwhelmed by student loan debt. If you just graduated college with debt, read this! Read More
When it comes to building business loyalty with your customers, authenticity, transparency and aligning with your customers values is critical.
In eCommerce, building business loyalty can be a challenge.

The standards for E-Commerce customer service have been raised, how can you improve your E- Read More

8 Underrated New Business Growth Steps to Follow

8 Underrated New Business Growth Steps to Follow - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Management
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2078 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on October 29, 2018 8:12 am
Don't just wait for your new business growth to happen, take charge and shape your businesses growth with these 8 underrated steps.

So, you’ve started a new business.

What’s next?

What do you do with this wonderful challenge you’ve created?

You need to focus on what steps you can take t Read More
You too can reap the benefits of SEO - Discover how the benefits of SEO can increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and increase sales.

It is insanely easy to launch a business these days. You don’t even need to have any capital to start one if you go the online route.

The Internet has level Read More
One of the best ways for startups to make it big is with a carefully crafted content marketing strategy - follow this step by step guide to start now.

Content marketing is an important part of gaining public traction for startups.

Small firms with only a few employees can’t afford to invest f Read More
Having an App is no guarantee, but if you have the right mobile App strategy in place, you customer and business will benefit.

Are you still ignoring cell phones as part of your marketing strategy?

With mobile users spending more than 69% of their media time on smartphones, it’s no only a Read More
Doing SEO Optimization for Wordpress? If you're launching a new site, these 4 Wordpress SEO hacks are way too easy to NOT implement right from the jump. Read More
Entrepreneurs tend to make several of the same business mistakes, but what if you could avoid them? Find out how here.

If you’ve been thinking of starting a business, and that once you’re done with the legal formalities of the set up – everything will be smooth sailing, then you are in for a b Read More
Want to improve your online presence? Persuasive social media optimization is the way you're going to engage and convert your audience.

Social media has given digital marketers an opportunity to reach customers without really forcing products and services on them.

How so?

By engaging your Read More

Is Price Matching the Right Strategy for Your B2B Sales?

Is Price Matching the Right Strategy for Your B2B Sales? - https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com Avatar Posted by Pixel_pro under Sales
From https://www.pixelproductionsinc.com 2088 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on October 19, 2018 10:57 am
Price isn't always the deciding factor - use the right strategy because price matching could be a dangerous race to the bottom for your business.

Price matching is a common strategy used to help ensure that a business doesn’t lose a customer simply due to a lower price. There are a lot of things Read More

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