SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How many women entrepreneurs have there been in the history of the business world? Thousands and thousands of them; these are women who invested money and time to make money. Some failed, some succeeded. With so many candidates to choose from, it was tough narrowing it down to only 10 successful w Read More

Do you have these 5 key things on your website?

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Marketing
From 4524 days ago
Made Hot by: titanofindustry on March 9, 2012 9:06 am
What are the 5 key things you need on your website to turn it from a static ‘online business card’ to a resource that actually drives your business? Read More

How to Get More Traffic from YouTube

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Online Marketing
From 4529 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on March 3, 2012 5:27 am
Each day, YouTube gets massive amounts of traffic on the internet, but what I’d like to share with you in this post, are a few tips that I’ve used to get traffic from YouTube – back to my blog. With a few simple steps you can get traffic coming to your blog from YouTube also and best of all this is Read More

Why Your Business Needs a Domain

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Advertising
From 4529 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on March 3, 2012 8:28 am
If you’ve been primarily selling your products on an e-commerce site like Shopify or Etsy, or have built a name for your business using free platforms like Blogger, Read More
What comes to mind when you hear the words “social media disaster?” Maybe the infamous “gettin’ slizzard” Red Cross tweet? Whatever comes to mind, you don’t want to be that brand that has a social media disaster in their history. Here are a few preventative tips. Read More

Blogger Dishes on Sweetest Secrets at BizSugar Chat

Avatar Posted by Ileane under Social Media
From 4532 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on March 4, 2012 3:15 am
Among questions Ileane fielded from the BizSugar community were an inquiry about how much research should be done when preparing a blog post:
I’m always reading blogs and curating content on the web. That way I always have ideas for blog posts handy. Here’s what I use to curate content – Read More
When it comes to your SEO content writing, being fluffy is the worst thing you can be. The fluffier you are, the fewer profits you're going to see! Read More
Has anyone else noticed how many different facets of our lives that Apple’s iPad has changed? Education. Yep. Healthcare. You bet. Entertainment. For sure. As we move into 2012, another iPad trend is forming. iPad is starting to change how businesses and customers interact. Read More
The mobile revolution is underway. It is happening every day, every month, every year and it's growing more and more disruptive to your business. What does it mean and what can you as a solopreneur do? Read More
What's wrong with the touchy-feely advice that's so popular these days? People don't succeed with their business simply by staying positive and thinking good thoughts. Here's how to use positive affirmations correctly. Read More

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