SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

BizSugar's contributor of the week: Carolyn Higgins, President of Fortune Marketing Company. We’ve all heard people say that losing a particular job may have been the best thing that ever happened to them. For Carolyn, that is definitely the case!

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If you’ve already thought about the reasons you shouldn’t start a business, and haven’t been deterred, you’re probably mentally ready to take the plunge. But here are a few things to consider before going full-time as a small business owner. Read More
Getting written about online or in print is a great way to garner some free publicity. But connecting with journalists is a tricky game; you and everyone else wants their attention, so it’s important to get it long before you’ve got a story to pitch. Read More
Getting customers when you're starting out can be difficult. Follow theses steps to earn the trust of customers for your small business startup. Read More
Email marketing company Constant Contact has acquired Boston-based mobile applications provider CardStar, Gail Goodman, CEO of Constant Contact, said Jan. 18.

CardStar has mobile capabilities, which enable consumers to consolidate membership and rewards cards on smartphones, Read More
Meet the great Frank Hannigan. One of Ireland’s favourite entrepreneurs! WARNING: You may see LinkedIn in a new light after this interview. Read More

The Day the Web Went Black

Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Legal
From 4573 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizsavvy on January 19, 2012 4:34 pm
The web will look a little darker today as some of the world’s largest tech companies take a stand against SOPA. Last night at midnight, Wikipedia shut down its English-language sites in order to protest plans to police the internet and combat piracy in the U.S., and they aren’t the only ones. Read More
Many employees want a raise but don't know how and when the opportunity will arise.

Here are five things that you positively must know before knocking on the office door and asking for that raise... Read More

How To Close The Books on Your Startup

Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From 4582 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on January 11, 2012 7:57 am
The end of one venture often signals the start of something new and the beginning of the next exciting journey. Yet to embark on the next project, you’ll want to properly close the books on your previous company. Read More
It's no secret that small businesses should be embracing social media as a great way to build relationships with their customers. Read More

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