SEORabbit voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It seems all we’ve been hearing about the holiday shopping season is that consumers are crazy for deals. They’re using their smartphones to scope out the best prices, signing up for daily deals services to get special offers and even camping out at the mall on Thanksgiving to get discounts at dawn Read More
Businesses go under for one reason: they run out of capital. Make sure your cash flow projection is realistic. Read More
Getting more web traffic to your site is not always about undiscovered strategies. It’s about using what everyone else is using in a better way. Read More

Controversy - Packing A Powerful Marketing Punch

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 4616 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on December 7, 2011 7:18 pm
Yes it can cause hullabaloo and while 50% of the audience may despise your techniques, 50% may indeed love it. Don’t be nervous of stirring the pot if you feel you’re not going to cause major offence. Read More
Recording the details of a sales meeting with a pen and paper divides a lot of professional salespeople.I remain a firm believer in the value of taking notes, here's why: Read More

Canadians Ready to Spend More this Holiday Season

Avatar Posted by amabaie under News
From 4616 days ago
Made Hot by: SEORabbit on December 7, 2011 1:28 am
The news is being taken as a welcome sign that consumer sentiment toward the economy is improving. In the United States, Black Friday and Cyber Monday just broke records. Canadians are also shopping more, buying online, and visiting offline stores. Read More

End of the Year Tax Planning: Piling on the Deductions

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4617 days ago
Made Hot by: bigcajunman on December 8, 2011 11:58 am
This is the time of year that I start casting about, looking for ways to pile on the deductions. This doesn’t mean that we mis-represent our income to the IRS. Far from it. We look for ways to minimize our income, legally, with the help of deductions Read More
Guest posting can help you market your finance blog. However, before you can dazzle heretofore unknown readers, you need to have your guest post accepted. Here are some things to keep in mind as you pitch your guest post to another blogger. Read More
Wouldn’t it be nice if small business owners could feel some sense of certainty about the U.S. economy going forward? It would, but according to some of the nation’s top economic bloggers, the current uncertainty is going to continue. In fact, “uncertainty” might be the best we can hope for, becaus Read More
The start of the New Year is rife with business opportunities, and LinkedIn is a great place for positioning yourself to snag them. Read More

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