VivianGuttman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The good old skype has retired. Microsoft has launched a new generation of skype with all the features (and a positioning strategy) to compete with the existing players of the IM market. There's a lot to learn from this repositioning. Read More

Is Blockchain Disrupting The Way Startups Raise Funds?

Is Blockchain Disrupting The Way Startups Raise Funds? - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Startups
From 2558 days ago
Made Hot by: JamesMcAllister on June 29, 2017 10:05 pm
Startups are now exploring blockchain’s use in fintech and startup funding. This month alone, there were around 10 blockchain startups that launched their own cryptocurrency presales to fund their ventures. Block.One has joined the likes of Civic, Status, and TenX to use the Ethereum blockchain net Read More
Parents, it’s never too early to start nurturing entrepreneurial talents in your kids! As an active business advisor and angel investor, I’m convinced that we are rapidly entering a new age of the entrepreneur, and those who are best prepared will be the first to reap some big rewards. Read More

5 Reasons a Coworking Space Makes Sense for Your Startup

5 Reasons a Coworking Space Makes Sense for Your Startup              - Avatar Posted by brianamorgaine under Startups
From 2560 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 30, 2017 11:28 pm
If you've just started your business, you might not have office space. Find out why coworking can be a great solution—and offer more than just a desk. Read More
This is the story of Dazadi, an e-commerce brand that rode a wild growth curve up to its first small summit, only to end up hemorrhaging marketing dollars under the assumption that it would all be made back.

As the co-founder and CEO of Dazadi, Jason Boyce, puts it, “You really don’t know what y Read More
If your marketing budget is about to expire, we’ve got 3 ideas for putting those dollars to good use for your content marketing strategy. Read More

10 Guidelines For Storytelling To Hype Your Startup

10 Guidelines For Storytelling To Hype Your Startup - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2561 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on June 29, 2017 8:20 am
The entrepreneur’s challenge is to effectively communicate their value proposition, not only to customers, but also to vendors, partners, investors, and their own team. Especially for technical founders, this is normally all about presenting impressive facts. But in reality facts only go so far. St Read More

You Are Where You Are By Choice

You Are Where You Are By Choice - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 2561 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 29, 2017 8:39 am
There are many influences on how things turn out for all of us, but the most direct are the choices we make. In sales we choose to succeed, or not! Read More
There are so many plugins available today for online blogging. There are over 42,000 plugins in the WordPress directory today. What can plugins do for you and your blog?

Plugins can add extras features and functionality for your wordpress blog. It makes it easy for those that do not know how to Read More
Entrepreneurs are usually highly creative and innovative, but many innovative people are not entrepreneurs. Since it takes a team of people to build a great company, the challenge is to find that small percentage of innovative people, and then nurture the tendency, rather than stifle it. Read More

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