VivianGuttman voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If A Franchise Isn't Right For You...

If A Franchise Isn\'t Right For You... - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 2564 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on June 26, 2017 8:53 am
A franchise business opportunity may not be right for you-for lots of reasons. But don't despair. It's not the end of the world. There are several options, and you can find out what they are in this franchise blog post. Read More
As an angel investor, I get approached regularly by aspiring entrepreneurs who can talk endlessly about their latest great idea, and little else. While I recognize that every new venture starts with an idea, a successful business of lasting value is all about people and execution. Every investor is Read More
We’re used to associating engagement and activation with badges, mails and notifications.
But user activation is a very broad subject that involves so much more than gamification and UX design.

User activation and retention are deeply connected to human interaction and emotions. Read More

What are SSL Certificates & Why Do You Need One?

What are SSL Certificates & Why Do You Need One? - Avatar Posted by HiringHQ under Resources
From 2565 days ago
Made Hot by: MarketWiz on June 25, 2017 8:04 am
Ever wondered why some websites begin with “http://” and others with “https://”? That “s” stands for “secure,” and it indicates that the site you’re browsing is using an SSL certificate. In this article, we’ll discuss how SSL certificates work, why they’re important, and how to go about getting one Read More

Slow & Low – The Right Recipe For Great Prospecting

Slow & Low – The Right Recipe For Great Prospecting - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 2565 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on June 24, 2017 3:14 pm
A prospecting call is not a race or shrieking contest. Step back, collect your thoughts and then communicate nice and slow, while keeping your voice low. Read More

25 Social Selling Gurus You Should Be Tracking

25 Social Selling Gurus You Should Be Tracking  - Avatar Posted by bitterbusiness under Sales
From 2566 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on June 24, 2017 3:41 pm
Social Selling: There’s a lot of it about. Last year over 5,000 articles were written on social selling. So who should you follow if you want to stay on top of the latest greatest tips and insights? We’ve put together a list of 25 Social Selling Gurus that we think you should be tracking. Read More

How to Leverage an eBook Creation with Cardsmith

How to Leverage an eBook Creation with Cardsmith - Avatar Posted by inspiriting under Success Stories
From 2566 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on June 25, 2017 9:04 am
Writing a book or E-book, or creating any kind of info product can be a tedious process. It’s not hard to loose sight of tasks or subtasks. I am introducing a down-to-earth tool to you that helps you to leverage your planning and organization process. Read More

5 New Rules For Marketing In This Participation Age

5 New Rules For Marketing In This Participation Age - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 2566 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 24, 2017 4:39 pm
Have you noticed that more companies beg you to participate in their business today? It started with an email survey on your last stay at their hotel, but now includes requests for online product reviews, to social media input on the design of future products. They do it because engaged customers b Read More
Natural talent and writing skills certainly make up the bulk of your blogging efforts but using these seven productivity apps will guarantee success. Read More

15 Storage Franchise Business Opportunities

15 Storage Franchise Business Opportunities - Avatar Posted by stillwagon428 under Franchises
From 2567 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on June 25, 2017 12:13 pm
The storage industry in the U.S. is growing. According to IBISWorld, the industry brings in an estimated $38 billion annually. And if you’re looking to break into this growing business niche, a franchise can be a great way to get the resources and know-how you need. Here are some storage franchise Read More

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