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How to Create A Business Website in 6 Easy Steps

How to Create A Business Website in 6 Easy Steps - https://www.crowdspring.com Avatar Posted by RossKimbarovsky under Marketing
From https://www.crowdspring.com 1805 days ago
Made Hot by: jonasg on July 24, 2019 2:50 pm
Whether you’re starting a new business or growing an existing business, you need a website. The problem is that many business owners are intimidated about setting up their own website. Crowdspring created an easy step-by-step guide to help you create a completed, professional business website. Read More
As a business owner, you will need the skills to market (promote) your product or services. But are your skills good enough to take your business to the next level? Let’s take a look at how we can take steps to boost our marketing skills. Read More

Marketing 101 for Small Businesses - New Horizons 123

Marketing 101 for Small Businesses - New Horizons 123 - https://newhorizons123.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Marketing
From https://newhorizons123.com 1806 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 25, 2019 10:08 am

The marketing function within any business, especially small businesses, is probably one of the most important areas to pay attention to, yet it is often the most over-looked one. Why is it often overlooked? In small businesses there are usually only a few people who have the responsibility for t Read More

5 Questions to Ask When Designing a Logo to Fit Your Brand

5 Questions to Ask When Designing a Logo to Fit Your Brand  - https://www.bizepic.com Avatar Posted by previsomedia under Marketing
From https://www.bizepic.com 1813 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on July 25, 2019 10:54 am
Did you know that it only takes a customer 10 seconds to form a first impression of a company’s logo?
A first impression is hard to change so it is important that you give your customers a good experience from the beginning.
In order to stand out from the competition and get noticed by customers, Read More
An in depth interview is defined as a qualitative research technique where, intensive individual interviews are conducted.

In such interviews there are smaller numbers of respondents so that on a particular program, idea, or subject the respondent’s perspectives are explored.

An in depth inte Read More
The recruiter is a person who has a personal conversation with the employee; but he is not the manager or authority who can appoint people. The recruiter presents your resume to employers who demand the required skills; he should know about the requirements of the job and then select the employees Read More
The gift of talking is a boon and bane too. One should know, where to talk, how to talk most importantly at the time of interviews. One’s way of talking can lend them their dream job or you could end up talking your way right out of the job. It’s important to remember that the person taking your in Read More
There are both advantages and disadvantages of hiring a full time employee or an independent contractor. Most of the organization nowadays for the sake of growth avoid adding number of employees but are often left with no option apart from bulk hiring. This thoroughly depends upon the need and deed Read More
Having some fury friends around in the office might certainly have a number of positives yet at the same time it cannot be denying that there are some drawbacks of this system as well. Over here we will present before not merely the pros and cons of whether having a ‘no pets policy’ in the office i Read More
If you are someone who is going to take an interview of someone for the first time, then chances are that you might be even more afraid and apprehensive than the interviewee. What you ought to realize is that no matter what it is that you are feeling inside, you should not let this fear show on you Read More

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