Wisestepp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With any startup, recruitment is not only about the process of hiring a workforce but a strategic step towards a strong and sustainable future for the company. After all, the team that you work with will eventually be the deciding factor if your startup is going to flourish or not. Read More
Job description can be defined as the written statement which includes roles and responsibilities or functions of a particular position. It also includes the job title, job location, position description, job summary, working conditions such as qualification that a person’s relationship with other Read More
To keep their companies afloat all employers know that they ought to hire the best of the best. Employees are the very backbone of any company without whom the company can never prosper.

It is not without reason that companies employ experienced recruiters to perform the long drawn out task of h Read More
Social media recruiting means hiring employees through social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, academia and all the other possible social media sites. Nowadays every company has its own websites and every company hire the employees by posting the requirements on social med Read More
Job seeking may not be that easy task. It does require a lot of inputs and understanding of the people who may be taking you for a job. However, during a job search a big difference that should be understood by any candidate is that between retainer and contingency recruiters. Read More
A study undertaken by Accenture indicated that nearly 54% of United States business employees were laid off in the last 2 years. Now that the economy is recovering and things are looking up, companies have to fill up the important positions once again and are looking for skilled professionals. Read More
Your employees are the ones who are responsible for making things happen for you. Human resource is perhaps the most easy to find among all the resources which you might need to operate your business in a smooth and efficient manner. Read More
Hiring a Human resource manager either for large organizations or small organization, whatever it may be, is a big responsibility in itself. One has to be highly considerate of candidate’s professional skills, education, experience and other important credentials.

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Recruitment, like other important corporate functions, has to be efficient and cost effective. Hiring metrics like time-to-hire and cost-per-hire have become important yardsticks in the hands of recruiters and head-hunters.

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Applicant Tracking System software or ATS, for short, is a centralized tool where recruiters and talent acquisition teams manage candidate sourcing, evaluation, and hiring from start to finish.
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