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Everyone uses Chrome extensions and they are nifty little tools that enrich the browser and make your internet using experience fun and adventurous and sometimes even dangerous. However, for the purists, here is how it is defined.

Google defines chrome extensions as “small software programs that Read More
Talent analytics, which is also referred to as HR Analytics, People Analytics, and Workforce Analytics interchangeably, provides valuable insights into the workforce (which includes the future hiring pool and the existing employees of the company) Read More
AI or Artificial Intelligence is the development and theory of computer systems able to conduct tasks normally utilizing human intelligence, like speech recognition, visual perception, language translation, decision making, and more.

In recruitment, AI applies to various fields of problem-solvin Read More
With a CRM system, you can build and maintain strong relationships with job seekers while efficiently managing the recruitment process. If you want to know what exactly CRM is and how it can benefit your recruiting process, continue reading this post. Read More
Agile methodology in more ways than one came as the well-equipped approach to boost user engagemen t and business conversion through mobile app development. From ensuring optimum performance to streamlining development process to taking care of development cost and time, the agile approach is packe Read More
Most of the offices in many countries have given their employees work from home option so that their current work does not get hindered in any way. It is the employers responsibility to provide their employees a clean and healthy environment at workplace and most of the organization do it well. Read More
If you are someone who wishes to have a successful career then it is needless to say that you have to try and do your level best at all points in time. If you wish to move ahead in life, then it is of paramount importance that you try your level best to not merely broaden your horizons, but also br Read More
Statistics reveal that LinkedIn has over 400 million users across the world, this humongous figure bears testimony Linkedin Lauito the fact that, ever since its foundation in December 2002 and its launch in the year 2003, by its founders, Reid Hoffman, Allan Blue, Konstantin Guericke,

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Recruiters are the ones on whom the half of the future of the participant is dependent. So, one must be very careful regarding the words to be used by the individuals. What to say and what not to say is up to the person and also highly depends on the recruiters and the company itself. What things a Read More
This question depends upon the situation. Whatever the situation demands, one has to move accordingly. It also depends upon the salary you possess currently. If the salary you feel is less than the position you will get ahead or you had already been at, then it completely depends upon you, whether Read More

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