Wisestepp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The common perception in the world of the security system is that hire the hacker who has broken the security because he knows the flaws of your system and can do a better job than your team of software engineers, and yes it is true. Read More
Group interview is one of the interviewing techniques for the recruitment program. Its efficiency depends and varies according to the requirement. However, there are several ways to conduct group interviews and recruit employees. Read More
Generally, when it comes to hiring new employees most interviewers give importance to the details like previous performance, academic records, and personality which give them an average employee but the needs of an organization are more demanding.
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With time, the recruiters and all the job offering companies use the best and latest strategies to attract maximum young talent to the organization, whenever required.

There are many benefits of hiring millennials as the only priority in their life will be work and they deliver 100% to fulfill t Read More
Workplace counseling can be called as a health care program for the human brain. It is a solution to the psychological health problems within the employees. It is a way to tackle the problems of the employee as well as employers by actively treating the day to day psychological issues that everyone Read More
A job posting can be defined as an official advertisement regarding a job opening or vacancy within a company that is created by the employer, human resources or a recruiter to alert current employees or job seekers in the business market.

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If standardized tests are used in the field of education to assess the students’ performances in various dimensions, the Psychometric tests are used for determining the emotional and intellectual abilities of the candidates. Read More
The presence of mind can also be defined as possessing self-control during stressful situations where the individual should think and act calmly even in chaotic situations. The presence of the mind can be enhanced in several ways. Read More
Emotional Intelligence is nothing but how you deal with your emotions effectively. You need to control your emotions, especially at your workplace.

Emotional intelligence in business is prime and nowadays is run by emotions and facts hence; Emotional Intelligence in recruitment has become an int Read More
Be it experienced or fresher, when you apply for the job you need to prepare for your interview. But what do you need to focus on is your knowledge or how you can use that in practical? Today the employers are looking for assets who can innovate, lead and have a personality to showcase their compan Read More

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