Wisestepp voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Trying to finish off everything at work can be a daily battlefield. Most days, we all just swamped with the amount of work we have to do. Sometimes, we even become over-ambitious and take up too much on our plates. Read More

How to Transform from Boss to Leader: 30 Ultimate Tips - #WiseStep

How to Transform from Boss to Leader: 30 Ultimate Tips - #WiseStep - https://content.wisestep.com Avatar Posted by Wisestepp under Management
From https://content.wisestep.com 1375 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on September 25, 2020 5:52 pm
Most of the people perceive the words “boss” and “leader” as identical. However they are extremely poles apart. A boss is someone who manages a team while a leader is someone who leads a team which happens to be much more impactful in a company. A leader is remotely more triumphant at encouraging Read More
Every place whether it’s small business or a big one, there is a manager to lead the team. Now their functions are not just being a symbolic head of the organisation, but need to foster proper work environment, motivate the employees, able to transmit information down to other subordinates, be a go Read More
A project manager as the name implies, is the one who manages and controls the projects of the company. Specifically the project managers are answerable for all the success and failure of the particular project. Now as we are talking about project let us see, characteristics of a great project mana Read More
To be a good account manager, you always need to be ahead of the game. To carry over and win as an account manager, one needs to balance the demands of the customer and intention of the organization.
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Anger is an emotion that is a result of dissatisfaction, foolish behavior, frustration, irrelevant arguments, unfair blame or claims or an obvious mistake. Anger or losing temper is an instant emotion that can be called as one of the most dangerous components within the human body. It could be dire Read More
You’re a successful sales professional. You continuously achieve your targets. You are familiar with your competitors, products, targets, and market. You’re not only buzzing with novel ideas, but you also have a feeling that you can perform better than your boss. Read More
Before closing a business, there are certain factors that the entrepreneur should look up to. Lack of money and growth are the two main reasons that contribute to these factors. Not getting the expected results is also an indicator that the business is not doing well and it is time to wrap up the b Read More
Constant work pressure and deadlines are making stress common for everyone; no matter who you are an owner or the employee, stress affects each and every individual.

In this fast progressing world, time means money and to stay on the track with the globalization a person need to have excellent m Read More
Conversation is defined as exchange of words, ideas, thoughts and information between two or more people. Conversation is the fundamental method of getting to know another person, sharing your knowledge, and in general, talking to another person. Seems like an easy concept, right?
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