Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Once you are making enough money to pay someone else to take care of some of your tasks, that is when you can start considering outsourcing.
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Understand what the new 2013 contribution limits for tax-advantaged accounts are after the IRS accounts for inflation. Read More
One of the important concepts to understand when it comes to money is that of opportunity cost. When you make spending decisions, it’s a good idea to step back and consider the opportunity cost. Read More
We've been running our ecommerce store for quite a while now and every single year since the beginning, our business has been growing in the double and triple digits. So this past year, we’ve been working on a plan to outsource the business.

Today, I’m going to discuss what we’ve accomplished s Read More
Setting rates as a freelance graphic designer can be tricky, especially since, for some projects, it can be difficult to know how much time it will take. Read More
Before you decide to work from home it’s a good idea to have a solid idea of whether or not working from home fits your personality. Read More
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of telling people how powerful Twitter can be as a tool for promoting your blog and/or website. Read More
Have you ever felt the need to use big, long words to sound more authoritative or to fill up space? In most situations, all you are doing is sounding more difficult to read. Go with the smaller word, not the littler word. Read More
All-night study sessions and epic-tailgate parties are just some of the things that characterize the college experience in America. If you’re starting a business while you’re still in school here’s one more: Figuring out how to turn your classmates into customers. Read More
Want the basics of creating an online store? Steve Chou of MyWifeQuitHerJob.com offers a free mini-course that can give your home business a boost. Read More

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