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Have You Started Organizing Your Home Business Taxes?

Have You Started Organizing Your Home Business Taxes? - http://plantingmoneyseeds.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From http://plantingmoneyseeds.com 4285 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on October 8, 2012 10:15 pm
One of the most important things you can do is make sure that you start organizing your home business tax information, if you haven’t already. Everything runs smoother when you organize your home business taxes throughout the year. Read More
The SimplyCash business card from American Express OPEN rewards business owners with generous cash rebates on their statements, great Amex service, and more. Read More
Looking back, getting our business off the ground was not the hard part. Getting our website up and attracting customers was not that hard either.

The hardest part about running our online store was overcoming the loneliness of the entire process. Read More

Baldness Can Be a Powerful Business Advantage -- Study

Baldness Can Be a Powerful Business Advantage -- Study - http://online.wsj.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Management
From http://online.wsj.com 4289 days ago
Made Hot by: clickfire on October 10, 2012 1:51 am
Men with shaved heads are perceived as more dominant and, sometimes, as having more leadership potential than hairier peers, according to a recent study. That may be why some business leaders sport the power-buzz look. Read More
Understand what an IRS whistle blower is, the process you must follow in order to become a whistle blower, as well what your potential reward might be. Read More
It’s not fun to be told that you need to improve on something. Sometimes, though, that’s just what you need. Remember, when a client asks for revisions, or when an editor requests changes, it’s probably not personal. Your freelance writing might just need a little help or direction. Read More
Many of us recognize the importance of productivity. Getting more done can help us earn more money, as well as ensure that there is more time to do the things we really want to. Here are 7 tips that can help you supercharge your output. Read More
Here are two spammy link-building techniques that no longer work – but that are still being pushed by many SEO practitioners today. Read More
Without diversification, you are always just one step away from ruin. With diversification, you can be several steps away — with each step being less likely to occur than the previous. Read More
Right now, in online business, there is a trend toward interacting with customers with the help of video and audio. Recently, I spoke with Joe Yeoman, who is with Big Marker, a company that brings community building tools and webinar capabilities to bloggers and business owners. Read More

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