Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Businesses nowadays have a plethora of potential dangers that can floor their company overnight, anything from patent infringement to bounced checks. Here are 5 reasons you should definitely consider paying a small monthly insurance fee to prepare for a potential financial disaster. Read More
I was pretty terrified, but trying not to show it. After all, I'd been suffering from panic attacks for a couple of years, and they were typically triggered by any social situation in which I felt that I had no escape from without causing a scene. Read More
Opening a franchise is something many entrepreneurs consider, but you should consider both the pros and cons before jumping in. Read More
The question that sparked my thinking through the rest of the FinCon conference. "What do I dislike about freelancing?" In order to combat that negativity, I began thinking of what I like about freelancing as well. Read More
If you are looking for a way to energize your career, you might consider applying the concept of the Golden Circle. Read More
Last weekend, I attended FinCon12, and learned a great deal. One of the sessions I attended was Jim Yih‘s on the principles of blogging as a business. One of the most interesting points that he made involved the idea of collaboration. Read More

Medical Loss Ratio - What is It and Why Might I Get a Refund Check?

Medical Loss Ratio - What is It and Why Might I Get a Refund Check? - http://freefrombroke.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From http://freefrombroke.com 4313 days ago
Made Hot by: Emma on September 17, 2012 5:24 pm
Health insurance consumers may have seen Medical Loss Ratio letters in the mail or perhaps even received a rebate check. But what is this medical loss ratio? Read on to find out. Read More
Getting started doing anything is hard, especially something new and unknown. Here's how to make some progress Read More

12 Irrational SEO Biases Debunked by Rand Fishkin

12 Irrational SEO Biases Debunked by Rand Fishkin    - http://tweakyourbiz.com Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Online Marketing
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4313 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on September 13, 2012 5:37 am
A summary of Rand Fishkin's presentation on how irrational SEO biases are holding us back from great opportunities & how to turn the biases on their head for big wins ... Read More
Find out how OutofhoursAdmin came about and Sharon Sheppard's expertise in all things Microsoft. Also giving us some helpful tips too. Read More

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