Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Let me start with a question: What is your startup’s story? Read More
Telecommuting isn’t just about working in your pajamas some days (although that is one of the things I enjoy about working from home). It can also save you money, and help the environment. Read More

Sign-up and Landing Page Design Best Practices

Sign-up and Landing Page Design Best Practices  - http://blog.act-on.com Avatar Posted by BLASTanna under Marketing
From http://blog.act-on.com 4331 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on August 29, 2012 5:37 pm
Improve your sign-ups and landing pages with these best practices. Learn how Act-On can help marketers create landing pages without HTML. Read More
The best sales people are the ones that get you thinking that you really want to buy a product that you don't even need. Imagine how effective those sales techniques would be on your clients who do need your products but just do not know it yet.

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There is an apparent misconception amongst some online businesses and bloggers that personality is a bad thing. But it's actually quite the opposite. You can't please everyone, so stop trying! Read More
Entrepreneurs need to listen to constructive criticism, but ignore negative vibes and complainers at all costs. If you are a complainer, and you are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, think again. The world of an entrepreneur is tough, unpredictable, and fraught with risk. Most importantly, the Read More

Can You Withdraw Money from Your Roth IRA?

Can You Withdraw Money from Your Roth IRA? - http://bestratesin.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Employee Benefits
From http://bestratesin.com 4331 days ago
Made Hot by: annsmarty on August 30, 2012 1:24 pm
There are a number of reasons that people open IRAs. IRAs offer a great deal of flexibility in terms of investments you can include in your account. Another reason that many people like Roth IRAs, though, is due to the fact that you can withdraw some of your money early, without penalty. Read More
Unilever owned irreverent male body spray Lynx (known as Axe in many markets) taking advantage of the well publicised activities of Prince Harry in Las Vegas. As story of what happened and the naked images taken of him in his hotel room partying playing strip billiards with a group of ladies was ap Read More

Do You Want To Be Your Own Boss?

Do You Want To Be Your Own Boss? - http://www.businessloan.org Avatar Posted by cflclosers under Self-Development
From http://www.businessloan.org 4332 days ago
Made Hot by: mywifequitherjob on August 28, 2012 3:32 am
We here so often that people want to fire their bosses and strike out on their own to leave their dreams. Well what are they talking about? That's scary stuff!

It takes a very unique type of person to be able to step up to that challenge, so what inside of you could get you there? Or Read More
A friend's foray into monetizing her Wordpress blog through affiliate marketing and some good tips as well. Read More

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