Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Last week has given us some food for thought as we head in to a new and interesting week. What’s happening in Europe remains a strong focal point for investors, and US economic news is also an important focus for investors.
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5 Crucial Business Lessons That I Picked Up From FinCon

5 Crucial Business Lessons That I Picked Up From FinCon - http://mywifequitherjob.com Avatar Posted by mywifequitherjob under Marketing
From http://mywifequitherjob.com 4315 days ago
Made Hot by: BoomerandEcho on September 13, 2012 5:09 pm
Key takeaways from attending the financial blogging conference in Denver. It was a blast and I learned a lot. Read More
When attracting new users to your product or service, you need to ensure you are targeting the prospects that will form the 20% that will generate 80% of your profits. You need to ensure you avoid the 2 most common errors and temptations that most companies make when trying to attract new users. Read More
What is the best way to conduct customer service if you are just a small store? Here are some tips and tricks that we use with our online shop. Read More

Improve Your Lifestyle: Make More Time for You

Improve Your Lifestyle: Make More Time for You - http://personaldividends.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From http://personaldividends.com 4321 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on September 5, 2012 4:29 pm
One of the best things you can do to improve your lifestyle is to make a little more time for you, doing what you enjoy, or working on something that you think will make a difference. Read More
Later this week, I’m headed to the Financial Blogger Conference, being held in Denver. And I’m excited that it will be mostly tax deductible.
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How the 'Great Drought' Will Hit Your Bottom Line

How the 'Great Drought' Will Hit Your Bottom Line - http://www.openforum.com Avatar Posted by sannwood under Finance
From http://www.openforum.com 4321 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on September 5, 2012 6:47 pm
You don't have to be a Midwestern farmer to be worried about how the lack of rainfall will impact your livelihood in the coming months. Read More
What if a customer complaint goes viral, or a journalist latches onto a shortcoming in your business and publishes it for your potential customers to see? Read More
Labor Day is a great time to take a few minutes and reflect on what you are working toward. It’s good to remember that the reason we celebrate Labor Day is to honor those who work hard jobs. Read More
On Friday, central bankers from around the world met in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a symposium over the Labor Day weekend. Ben Bernanke spoke to the assembled central bankers, and made a case for more stimulus. Read More

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