Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you want want to send the right impression to a potential employer, you need to include keywords. Are you using the right terminology in your resume? Read More
Many of us are looking ways to be more productive with our time. Whether you want more time to improve yourself through knowledge, make more money, or have more time to just relax, increased productivity frees up time to work on the things you want to work on. Read More
Looking to get ahead at work? Use social media! Here are a few ideas for using social media as an effective tool for career advancement. Read More

9 out of 10 Spammers Recommend…

9 out of 10 Spammers Recommend… - http://www.zoomit.ca Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.zoomit.ca 4297 days ago
Made Hot by: NewWestern on October 3, 2012 5:29 pm
What is clear from this is that spammers really prefer Gmail heads and shoulders above Yahoo and Hotmail. Read More
One of the best things you can do to improve your success as an entrepreneur is to focus on your strong points. Think about what you do best, and how those things benefit your business, and then focus on them. Read More
If you really want to supercharge your career, networking at events can be a real help. Attending events, and networking, gives you a chance to establish a real personal connection with people in your field, or even people in another field. Read More
Creating web content isn't like writing a newspaper article, or a novel. It's far easier. And this is great news because the key to engaging with your audience is to write in a relatively simplistic and direct style. Read More

Blog Titles For People Or For Search Engines?

Blog Titles For People Or For Search Engines?  - http://www.imz6.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.imz6.com 4300 days ago
Made Hot by: crozon on October 3, 2012 12:51 pm
It’s a debate that never seems to stop. No, I am not talking about climate change and arctic ice sheets. I am talking about blog post titles. The arguments go something like this... Read More
Looking for financing for a loan? Weemba increases your chances of finding a backer. Unlike P2P lending sites that handle all the details of the transaction, Weemba simply connects borrowers and lenders, and the interested parties do their negotiating off the web site. Read More
Just because you don’t feel like you can get rid of the TV completely doesn’t mean that you can’t make money during this down time. Read More

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