Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

For some people, high stress just isn’t worth the money but if you’re willing to deal with it, you could pursue a career in a field that others avoid. Read More
For many companies, now is the time for health insurance open enrollment. Here are 4 tips for making the most of open enrollment. Read More
Today it is my pleasure to introduce my friend Polly Liu who founded Beau-Coup.com, the largest online retailer of wedding favors on the Internet. Polly has been running Beau-coup for quite sometime now (since 2001) and her company has ballooned into an 8 figure ecommerce business. Read More
The top piece of advice I give my clients to is to create something original. It might be just a blog post. It might be a tool. Or an Infographic. Or an app. Read More
Charging for freelance research can be a little difficult for some — especially since many of us are writers that charge on a per-project basis. Here are some considerations as you set your rates. Read More

My Stress-Free Approach to Business

My Stress-Free Approach to Business - http://mywifequitherjob.com Avatar Posted by mywifequitherjob under Startups
From http://mywifequitherjob.com 4277 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on October 17, 2012 4:48 pm
I don’t know about you, but one of the key reasons I wanted to be self-employed was so that I would be in control of my life.

When you think about it, the notion that someone else dictates what you do with eight (or more) hours of every weekday is quite shocking. I wanted to be in control of wha Read More

The Cold Call and Why It Means So Much to Your Business

The Cold Call and Why It Means So Much to Your Business - http://callreluctancequeen.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From http://callreluctancequeen.com 4277 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on October 18, 2012 2:13 pm
Entrepreneurs are visionary, passionate, and creative. They are energetic, enthusiastic and positive.  Until faced  with the idea of the Cold Call or even the follow up call. The cold call is often the stumbling block for many entrepreneurs and salespeople. Read More
The recent Rich Dad bankruptcy is big news. And home business owners can learn a lot from this small hiccup from best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki. Read More
Freelance editing takes a lot of…something. I don’t have it. But you might be cut out to be a freelance editor. Read More
If you donate property to a qualified charity, you can potentially lower your Federal tax bill by receiving a tax deduction. Find out how to deduct good donated and some tips to follow in the process. Read More

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