Aknews voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Connect and Give Rather than Ignore and Take

Connect and Give Rather than Ignore and Take - http://www.corpnet.com Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Self-Development
From http://www.corpnet.com 4254 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on November 7, 2012 7:43 pm
If you just think about it, everyone knows someone who may be useful to be connected to someone else they know. It can be business or personal – if you can connect people to improve their lives or productivity then why not do it? Read More
To make things even more frugal for you, there are three free copies of the Frugal Book Promoter available to three lucky contest winners. The contest runs all through November, and there are four ways you can win. Read More
In recent months, some Facebook page owners have noticed that their accounts are driving much less traffic to their websites than they used to. In some cases, Facebook clickthroughs are down by as much as half, despite a huge growth in likes. Read More
It tells us that in order to deliver more compelling, animated presentations, we need to be passionate about the topic. If not, we’re in danger of mumbling or droning our way through. If the topic is something we naturally love then this should come easily. But sometimes this isn’t the case and we Read More
You may have heard of Google’s “20% Time”. The concept is simple — Google’s engineers are allowed to dedicate 20% of their working hours to personal projects.

You would be amazed at what products have come out of this initiative — Gmail and AdSense to name just two. That’s a pretty impressive ou Read More
So you made some money on the side this year. Great! But don’t think you automatically have a business. The IRS may only see your side-gig as a hobby. Read More
There's a fine line between working hard and just working for work's sake. It almost becomes an addiction after a while. If you spend a day doing nothing, or blowing off what you wanted to get done in favor of something else, and you then feel like a failure for the day, that's a good clue you're a Read More

How Far Can You Trust the Internet?

How Far Can You Trust the Internet?  - http://www.seo-writer.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.seo-writer.com 4263 days ago
Made Hot by: crozon on November 7, 2012 10:54 pm
If something is critical, make sure you own the real estate. This is a good principle to keep in mind when building a reputation, a business or whatever is important to you on the Internet. Read More
Do nice guys always finish last? How demanding do you need to be as small business owner to succeed? Is being jerk the only way you can make money? Let's discuss. Read More
Even if you think that you have a secure job, though, it can still make sense to start a side hustle. Think you don’t need the money? Think again. Here are 3 reasons to start a side hustle. Read More

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