Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There’s been endless talk lately about Facebook algorithms and a pay-to-play structure. Best practices seem to change week to week. And reach still sucks. So, when my Facebook post reached over 10,000 people last week, I about fell out of my chair. Here's the lessons I learned from that post. Read More

Why Feedback Surveys are Important for Bloggers

Avatar Posted by harleenas under Social Media
From 3896 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on January 30, 2014 7:38 am
Have you ever wondered how a feedback survey can help you as a blogger? I recently conducted my blog survey and have revealed its results, and how it helped me plan my blog strategy.

Lots more in store, at the blog. :)
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Facebook Like-Building Mistakes I See Businesses Make All The Time

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From 3896 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on January 30, 2014 11:39 pm
Everyone makes mistakes. People who are successful are just the ones who learn from them.

Marketing your business on Facebook is no exception - especially as it still quite new, and changing all of the time, it’s not always easy to know the “right way” to do certain activities.

In this articl Read More
Employee turnover is expensive, although its costs don't always show on a P&L. Learn 5 ways how scheduling software can reduce employee turnover. Read More

Content marketing is not king of trust

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Sales
From 3897 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on January 29, 2014 9:03 am
“Content is king.” Who could have guessed that those prophets words by Bill Gates would today be such a well-worn phrase as to be taken for Gospel truth by pretty much everyone in 2014? Read More
After creating a successful business, many small business owners will consider whether or not additional schooling can help them achieve more. Here are some guiding questions that can help these business owners decide if the value of more education is worth it for them, or if they no longer have a Read More

Lets talk about fears and overcoming them - YouTube

Avatar Posted by janesheeba under Online Marketing
From 3897 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on January 30, 2014 12:49 am
Blogging fears are just the same as the fears we experience in our day today lives. And you gotta overcome them and do stuff in real life if you want to succeed with blogging.
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By Mary Ann Keeling

There’s an all-too popular misconception that social media only works for established brands with huge followings, and that small and even medium businesses are just losing money and not making a profit. The fact is that with such powerful targeting that exists, both geograph Read More

10 Email Marketing Tips For Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Online Marketing
From 3898 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on January 30, 2014 1:11 am
Want to make your email marketing efforts even more successful? Use these 10 tips for maximum results. Read More

Starting A Social Marketing Campaign

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 3898 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on January 28, 2014 12:50 am
Releasing an effective social media marketing campaign will certainly help you to boost the way you interact with your audience. This article includes a poll: "You would normally provide your email address in order to access which of the following?" Read More

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