Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

4 Ways to improve your executive presence

Avatar Posted by devan under Management
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on July 25, 2013 2:51 am
Having a strong executive presence will help you exert and command more authority in business / professional settings. Here are Stacy's best tips! Read More
It’s hard to keep up with all of the information about marketing online that’s available out there, isn’t it? This post pulls together the best articles in SEO, social media, and content marketing for small business owners. Read More
Quite often, successful small businesses were born out of a necessity. This is also the case for Susie Levitt and Katie Shea when starting-up CitySlips - this is their success story... Read More
You value your local economy and want to help it grow. You have an idea for a business but not a lot of cash. Here's how you find the resources you need. Read More
Twitter is the best social networking website which help the businesses to improve their online presence. To schedule & handle the tweets and to know about the twitter followers deeply, some tools are required. Here are the few useful twitter tools to expand the social networking performance for th Read More

What You’re Not Told When Starting A Business

Avatar Posted by businessbanter under Startups
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on July 25, 2013 4:03 am
Starting a business comes with its complications but learning from others' experience can make starting a business more fruitful. Here's what I found which I'd like to share with you. Read More
Everything is Everything ...

As you figure out the magic formula, you've no doubt asked: 'What Is My Marketing Missing?'. The Answer, sans Influency, is: You're LITERALLY missing EVERYTHING Read More
All of the business information you want to convey to your readers has a “proper” medium. Not every piece of data will make a good blog post, and there are surely some lengthy blog posts out there that could have been consumed better as a chart or infographic. SlideShare is no different and should Read More
It seems that everyone has got a Facebook account these days, and frankly, it’s so simple to use the site that a child could do it; but there are probably some people who should steer clear of Facebook, and maybe avoid computers altogether.

Hopefully, you’re not guilty of any of these fatal Face Read More
Let me state that realtors may explain a lot of the things I am going to explain in person to clients, but I don’t see many of them doing it online via content.

When people are planning on buying a home they do their research and the person who offers them the most valuable information often cre Read More

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