Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

23 Professional Tips for Social Media Marketing

Avatar Posted by uttoransen under Social Media
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on July 26, 2013 8:23 pm
Social media marketing is a brilliant way to tap into targeted customers. We all agree that.

Do you have a focused social media marketing strategy?

According to 28% of small businesses do not have a social media strategy. 4 Out of 5 of small businesses Read More

The five elements of successful marketing

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Marketing
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on July 24, 2013 8:07 am
Marketing is vital in business. It helps you to generate a constant stream of new and repeat customers, which is key to developing a profitable business.

But it can also be expensive, particularly when you spend time, money and effort on marketing messages that won’t work or won't work well.
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What’s Your Career Gameplan?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Self-Development
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on July 24, 2013 8:00 am
If you’re ready to change things up a little, and progress further in your career, here are the steps you need to take. Read More

3 Tech Trends Your Business Should Watch

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Technology
From 4083 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on July 24, 2013 8:03 am
The world of technology changes quickly. New ideas come and go. And while some have the potential to transform how you do business, pursuing others can be a waste of time and effort. Just ask the people who chose HD-DVD instead of Blu-Ray discs back in 2008. Read More
15 questions from Jamie Smart’s “Getting Clients Congruently” seminar that allow you to step into the role of being a hero to the perfect prospects for you Read More
The Internet is evolving. If current trends in mobile technology, social media, and profiling continue, the way people search for, consume, and share content will look very different in another year or two. The question is: are you ready for it? Read More

Good Statistics on Search Optimization Build Influency

Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Online Marketing
From 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on July 23, 2013 10:40 pm
Search Engine Optimization is a very important Influency component. And we've stopped selling SEO as a stand-alone process. Why? Because Statistics Lie. Read More
These strategic small business Internet marketing tips will guide you into the mainstream where your prospects will be sure to notice you.

Your brand needs to be everywhere on the Internet where your target market can see hear and experience what you offer. I will share w Read More
It may sound like the plot for a summer action movie, but it's actually the battle that your web content faces. And, if you don't win the battle, you'll never succeed online! Read More

Five Steps to Become a Top Sales Performer

Avatar Posted by SalesDuJour under Sales
From 4084 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on July 23, 2013 9:24 am
Do you want to become sales rock star? Would you like to be a top performer?

Yesterday, a young aspiring sales star inspired this post, "Five Steps to Become a Top Sales Performer." As a young green account executive, I was hungry for success. One of my mentors said I was like a puppy dog scratc Read More

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