Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

After last year’s Facebook IPO, the amount of ads, sponsored content and other ‘stuff’ you might like, increased tremendously. Adblock plus will help you survive. Read More
If you'd rather tackle differential calculus than track your social media analytics, this plain-English post from Social Media Examiner is for you. Read More
Intentional branding is crucial to creating a successful freelance business. Capitalize on what distinguishes you from the pack through creative, memorable, and timeless brand messaging, and keep an eye on your brand, ready to adjust it as necessary in order to maximize profits. Read More
Inexpensive but effective online marketing strategies recommended by small business leaders who actually do them. Read More
Do you think you've selected right niche for your blog? Is it producing results as per your expectation? Or is it just that you found the niche popular and getting high CTR in Adsense and that's why you decided to start on the same topic? Read More
The brand new Sparkplugging Podcast is here at last! In this quick first episode you’re going to meet our first Round Table of Experts and learn what we’ll be discussing in this first season of the podcast. You’re going to feel like you’re hanging out with friends, because that’s what we are! Read More
By Sandra Hennessy

Social Media policies have been in the news in the last week and it has brought up the same questions for many companies big and small – what is a Social Media policy and what should it include? And do we call it a policy or guidelines? The language used will be the difference Read More
Audio conference calling is one of the essential tools you should have, especially if you want to get in contact to people from different part of the world. Audio conference calling is not new. Read More

Optimise Content For Social Media Marketing

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4142 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on May 22, 2013 11:28 pm
By Tom Shurville

The way that marketers are approaching promotion of their products is changing. The nature of peoples’ online time has changed too, and as a result marketers are looking to social media sites to get their message across in different ways.

Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are j Read More
By Nishadha Silva

So you have an awesome product, a great product that will change how people do things. It’s time to get the word out with a well executed marketing plan. You’re thinking of all possible channels like newspapers, popular blogs, social media and press releases. But before you mar Read More

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