Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The best online marketing campaign is well rounded and includes a combination of search engine optimization, content marketing, and social media. For the best results, all 3 of these tactics should be integrated into one overall campaign. Read More
Let me start off by saying that I am a strictly white hat SEO practitioner, and that means that I make sure that all the SEO work I do for my clients, as well as for Brick Marketing itself, falls in line with the Google and Bing Webmaster Tools guidelines. Read More
Most entrepreneurs think that adapting to the new technologies, like smart phones and Internet commerce, are the key to attracting new customers. In fact, businesses need to adapt just as completely to the changes in the buying and social behavior of consumers. High-technology product startups, wit Read More
Job interview trend: More employers are looking at candidates social media pages during the hiring process. This has resulted in debates over privacy issues. Read More
Moms will be forever deemed the ultimate multitasker. In addition to a career and child-rearing, moms are also taking the reins as the ‘household CEO.’ She influences about 85% of all household purchases, yet many moms still say brands miss the mark with their messaging. Here we take a look the dis Read More
Top 13 Follow Friday Favorites This week I share another group of 13 great people you should connect with. I also share a little rant on upcoming Twitter changes and why you need to step up your Twitter game. Read More
Having some trouble with the new YouTube layout? YouTube is a serious place to be for marketers.  Of course, I'm lacking in that department big time!  But if you can put some really great video's on there that will help people you will really start to see some positive results from it. Read More

5 Tips to a More Productive Day

Avatar Posted by danielzeevi under Self-Development
From 4199 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on March 28, 2013 5:55 am
Tools, tips, tricks to productivity, everyone is always looking for an edge to get more done. A quick internet search will yield a range of results. You can try a unconventional sleep schedule in hopes of gaining an extra 8 hours in your week or even the greatest new app to help you accomplish more Read More
Here is an easy and detailed post on how to buy a domain name and what makes a good url for a site, ecommerce store or blog. Read More
Guest blogging isn’t just something recreational bloggers do for fun. For professionals and businesses, it’s an opportunity to leverage your industry expertise for exposure to potential customers.
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