Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

We will all encounter trouble in our businesses. The secret is early detection! How can you spot when things are going wrong? What controls can you put in place to avert disaster? Read More
Why Positioning drives growth is key to understanding how to succeed in this highly connected economy. Defining who you are drives everything. And unfortunately we get what we deserve when we fail to define who we are with accuracy! Read More
Although augmented reality (AR) can be fun to experiment with, what value does it really have for a brand? As it turns out, it can be an incredible resource for the right brand. Three major brand industries can benefit from the adoption of AR apps and site features. Here’s a look at a few of those Read More
You did it again. It’s tax season and you don’t have your 2012 business expenses organized.

I know. I know. You are too busy marketing for new business and managing your current clients and customers. Read More
Every now and again you stumble across some famous quotes that speak directly to you, or your profession. These speak to all business owners! Read More
If you are one who dislikes filing receipts (business / household) or otherwise keeping track of them, then this post is for you. Read More
Check out these ten thought provoking thoughts everytime you get a little down in your effort to start a business. Read More
As of today, as of this moment, this exact moment, you need to be using Google+ as part of your content marketing strategy. Here’s why Google+ is essential to… Read More
The teenaged Pakistani activist who defied the Taliban and agitated for education for young girls like herself was shot in the head last October. Read More
Everyone is inspired by one or the other of many popular bloggers out there. You start blogging thinking that you may find success like the one who inspires you. In as little as couple of months, your mind setup changes You start to think that it isn't as easy as you thought. Read More

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