Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Let me first start by saying that I fully understand the perceived value of cloud computing and the benefits that it offers from a storage and ease of use standpoint…until it goes wrong. That is where the problem lies. Read More
Many small businesses aren't aware how powerful Google News can be to drive traffic to their sites.

This article takes a look at the benefits of Google News and how to get the most from it. Read More
The shock and awe of this update came from sites that have dominated the search results for years, but now Google says they are low quality content farms. There are a number of questions that the Farmer update begs. Read More
Advertising copywriting tips is one of the topics that is so hard to write because there have been many attempts to write about this in the past. Type the topic on Google and you will have at least 40 pages of write ups about this. It is also something that not everyone can be good at. Don’t get me Read More
What's your story? Tell it well and you build your brand. Ventureneer webinar shows business owners how to tell a compelling story to draw in customers.

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Google Inc. removed 21 applications from the Android Market as those were found to contain malware, reports Android Police. It is learned that the apps were downloaded more than 200,000 times before Google took action. A fix for all the infected users is being worked upon. Read More
While we "Average-Joe" businesspeople bust our asses to get by...

He earned an average of $241,000 per-second of work. Read More

Has Google's Farmer Update Improved Search?

Avatar Posted by CIKMarketing under Online Marketing
From 4959 days ago
Made Hot by: saraib820 on March 3, 2011 9:22 am
Google's recent algorithm update has waged war on content farm sites. Learn how the Farmer update will affect your search experience and company website. Read More
Increasing conversion is not something that will happen naturally you need to actively seek out what works best for your site and then test track and improve. It can be truly difficult to decipher how your traffic interacts with your website. Read More
One of the burning questions that just about every entrepreneur wonders about is how to get more out of their sales team. If you can get more out of them, it will translate to more money in your pocket. But deciding on the right road to take to get there is not always clear cut – at least not for m Read More

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