Clickfire voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Hundreds dead! 100s of Millions of dollars in settlements.

It would have cost Ford less than $10 to make the Pinto safe.

Think you don't need to test your product before selling it? Read More
Social Media has really changed our lives, like it or not, but we shouldn't take it too seriously. Here's a lighter look at Social Media, I know you'll laugh, the response I've had on this is amazing! Read More
Here is some advice for law firms (but also applicable to most small businesses) about winning back dissatisfied clients. Frustrating or even angering clients or customers can have unforeseen side-effects way beyond just loosing business. Here are some tips to smooth things over when it becomes nec Read More
What is the potential Return on Investment of a Business blog?

This week I was contacted and hired by somebody who read an article I had posted nearly six months ago.

A business blog is like a bank account which keeps returning interest! Read More

The Best Entrepreneurs Have Some Common Traits

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 4948 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on March 18, 2011 4:00 pm
At some point in their life, hopefully everyone strives to be the best in their chosen profession. Most people think that being the best requires more intelligence, more training, and more experience. In reality, in business or even in sports, the evidence is conclusive that it is as much about how Read More
30 Ways to Grow Your Business. Lesson #7: Implementing Essential Resources for Your Sales Team. Learn about four essential sales resources you need to grow your business. Clifford Jones is the founder and president of WealthNet Partners, LLC, a business, technology and sales development consulti Read More
As a social entrepreneur you will need to partner with the right entities. Corporate partnerships are important in your sociopreneurship success. Here is how. Read More

Entrepreneurs- Keep Holding On……

Avatar Posted by locdad under Self-Development
From 4948 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on March 14, 2011 7:36 pm
I know how hard you have been working, how you’ve been trying to give the game a life in order to make the world a better place for me and you. I feel your pain and I know one day heaven will shine the light on you. Being an entrepreneur is not a child’s play, it’s not as easy as the name sounds! E Read More
Listen! We spend far too little time giving our dream clients what they sometimes want more than anything else—to be heard. Read More
Good question. The answers tough may vary, and here we share only proven traffic generation techniques, provided by bloggers who have tested and proven them. Read More

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