Daniel.waldschmidt voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I don’t think Sales 2.0 is about sales at all. Think about how people on the web give everything away for FREE. That’s not selling! Sales 2.0 is all about marketing, branding, credibility, and positioning for the future.

So what does the future of sales look like? Let’s start by painting a picture of what’s happening with sales people today… Read More

Salesperson and Prospect: Differing Perspectives

Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From http://www.salesbloggers.com 5401 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on February 17, 2010 7:57 am
Steven and Tammy wanted to have a new patio built in their back yard. They had looked at patio stone and brick products for several years, and finally decided this was the summer they were going to look into getting it done professionally. With Steven’s new health problems now in the picture, doing the project themselves was out of the question. If they were going to do it, they were going to hav Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to lead. They have the ability to generate results through the efforts of others on their teams, as well as their client’s teams. Read More
Everyone knows listening is the key to sales, but knowing how and what to listen for is not always easy. To be effective, you have to listen for more than just what you see fitting your goals. Read More
Salespeople sell change. They sell a future result, a better outcome. But creating the vision of a better future outcome is only where the sale begins. Successful salespeople know that that change needs their time, their attention, and their resourcefulness as a salesperson—and as a businessperson—to be achieved. They lead and manage the change that they sell. Read More

Mapping Influence in Social Media

Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From http://kaleidico.com 5404 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on February 16, 2010 11:04 pm
Social media monitoring software immediately returns efficiency to your day by consolidating your monitoring destinations. However, as is the case with any great data collection, it simply generates more questions. One of those questions most recently top of mind with our clients is: Who, in all the chatter, is influential?

Here are some of the ways we look at mapping influence. Read More
Having a sales process is important, but in sales you need to go beyond it. With a solid process, you can use your creativity, skills and execution to drive success. Read More
Storytelling is the ability to create a compelling vision of the future. Great salespeople include in their stories the challenges and the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to create that future. They write the future positive outcomes with their clients as both characters and as coauthors. Read More
I consider myself a hardcore hunter. I love prospecting and cold calling… but I don’t care how much of a hunter you are… every sales person has a breaking point.

If you are a small business owner and your sales reps have to make 100, 200, even 300 phone calls just to get an appointment… then of course they are going to hate the process.

The key to success comes from... Read More

Diagnose: The Desire to Understand

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5405 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on February 14, 2010 7:23 am
The ability to sell requires a strong ability to diagnose the client’s problems and challenges. By diagnosing their problems and challenges, and by developing a full understanding of their root causes, the professional salesperson can build a solution that perfectly matches the client’s needs, improving their performance and providing them with the outcome they desire. Read More

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