Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Behind search engines, ads, and viral videos, there is a battle going on that many of us don't consider in our daily usage of the Internet. Read More
Sears and Kmart have recently begun utilizing Paper.li to produce Daily Socials of customer-relevant content. Paper.li allows users to create online sources of curated content from the web. Both retailers pull in content from many different sources to create an interactive experience for visitors. Read More
Though I often try to convince my wife otherwise... I unfortunately do not have the ability to see the future. However, you don't have to own a crystal ball to see where business insurance claims will come from over the next ten years. Read More
Getting your business to go green is one of the best strategies to save you money and attract new customers. Here are a few simple tips to get you started. Read More
According to BlogPulse, there were 152 million blogs on the Internet at the end of 2010. So how do you know which bloggers to target when you’re promoting yourself or your company? Here are a few tips to help you. Read More
Nowadays, it is not just about satisfying the expectations of the customer but going above and beyond it. Read More
Google recently held their second site clinic in London, UK. I won’t bore you with the event details because, frankly, I don’t know them, but I did want to give you a summary of the discussed topics as they directly pertain to any site owner. Read More
I know, I know, as a small business owner, you rock at everything you do: make sales, balance the books, prepare the coffee…well, maybe not so much. Tomorrow Read More
Getting an assignment might seem like an opportunity to create even more work for a busy content marketer. When you let someone else assign you a topic or a project, the benefits might far outweigh the time invested in the original project. Read More
Interested in search engine optimization, but not sure where to start? Today’s post from SEO expert, David Wallace, walks you through the basics of using search engine optimization (SEO) on your small business website. Includes a video and infographic with the 5 fundamental elements of SEO. Read More

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