Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I believe that true wealth in life is all about having the courage to be exactly who you are, every day. Nothing is quite as draining as trying to be someone you are not, whether professionally or personally. You can only wear a mask for so long before your inherent personality and gifts come scr Read More
Managed services are actually a very large and mature IT industry, but it is not surprising that most people have never heard of it, and that even after having a direct encounter with it, still do not know it exists. Read More
Bookkeeping is one of everyone’s most hated tasks, and yet it’s the number one reason many small businesses will fail in the first three years. One of the largest advantages of owning your own business is the tax break you receive; based upon expenses against the revenues you generate. Read More
For a single day at the end of May 2011, Ireland will have the attention of the world thanks to a visit by US President Barack Obama. PocketNative has organized a Twitter event called #IRLday to coincide with the President''s visit Read More
Tribe marketing is the well known secret that has helped me reach blogging success. Joining a tribe was like boarding the express blogging success train instead of choosing the slow train. See how you too can transform your blog, starting today! Read More
Most sales people hate voice mail, and most will not leave a message for a number of not so valid reasons: Mistake. While there is no silver bullet to dealing with voice mail, there are specific steps you can take to increase returned calls, and build value over time. Just check out the video! Read More
Skype is a great tool, not only for social chat but for business too. This article takes you through some of the ways to get the most out of Skype. Read More
Read this article now to discover if your website traffic is coming from the right places or is untargeted and leading people to a dead end. Read More
Blogging is a little like growing up. The blogger starts as an individual, many then adapt to conform to blogging "standards" and then go back to blogging individuality. Birth, teenager, adulthood. Read More
Thinking about starting your own business? Take a moment to read the signs. While no single sign here guarantees failure, any one of them will certainly make success in business much more difficult than it already is. Read More

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