Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What small business doesn’t want to grow and make more profit? One of the most effective ways to go about doing that is by increasing your customer base. Read More
Companies spend $100's of millions every year in training sales people about their products and solutions. As sales people, we are proud of our knowledge--naturally eager to demonstrate it to customers. Likewise, people in our company who may support us--developing sales and marketing materials, re Read More
Lists were introduced by Twitter a couple of years ago as a way for you to group and organize similar Twitter users together. Each user is allowed to create a list, and add other Twitter users to it as a way of grouping them into common categories. For example, you often see lists surrounding locat Read More
A lot of women are proclaiming out loud their inner bitch. Is this a good thing? Obviously the people proclaiming it think it is. But what would you, as an employer, think? Read More
Sites like Digg are great for getting good links to your website. Good thing for you and me sites like Digg are a dime a dozen. There are a million of them. I have put together a list of a couple hundred different Digg like sites that I think will help you to get a ton of backlinks to your site Read More
Similar to our efforts on Twitter to claim the www.twitter.com/startupnation account name, we have now achieved something similar for www.facebook.com/startupnation. Read More
Are you drowning in the firehose of information coming to you via Twitter, Facebook and other social media? If you’re an organized person, like I am, the onslaught of constant input from social media can feel overwhelming. I couldn’t get my social media life organized till I found Hootsuite. I m Read More
People come up with ideas for new businesses every day. How does one judge whether an idea has merit or not? Should the business be pursued or should the idea be tossed on the scrap heap of bad ideas? Here is a process you can follow to find out. Read More
Effective project management includes the desire and drive to learn from lessons learnt and apply this learning to future projects. But why wait? Why not apply lessons learned during a project within that project straightaway? Perhaps this will instill greater discipline in applying lessons to futu Read More
If I pick the wrong niche, I could end up wasting a lot of time going in the wrong direction. There’s nothing worse than putting your heart and soul into a project, and never getting rewarded for your efforts. Jim Collins wrote the mega seller, Good To Great. Good to Great features the Hedgehog Pri Read More

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