Ekologintimur2 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

When tenders are submitted for business, the focus is in the main on cost. But is the lowest price always the best option? Does anyone actually benefit in the longer term? Read More
Customised Facebook landing tabs have been growing in popularity for small businesses. When creating small business Facebook landing pages what should we consider? Read More
Google has formally launched their Local Business Photos where Google send photographers to business owners for free and take pictures of their business to be placed in their “Photos and Videos Section” of their Google Place Page. Read More
There seems to be a general consensus among people who aren’t really familiar with the relationship between Google and SEO professionals that SEO is somehow cheating the system, that Google hates SEO, or that SEO is “evil”. On the contrary, white-hat SEO professionals and Google work well together Read More
There are literally thousands of programs that are available to join. Everywhere I look, there seems to be a new program starting up. Many of them claim that they can generate easy money and rewards. Often times, I look into these offers of instant success and they seem to be on the shady side o Read More
Here it is! Social Media revolution: Empire Avenue, Buffer and hating spam.

Has the very addictive Empire Avenue turned Social Media upside down!! If you haven't looked, you won't know! Ignore the rumors! People said Facebook and Twitter were fads and gimmicks, remember? Read More
The key to success in business is finding the right niche. This is easier said than done as business has become so competitive these days that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a niche that has not yet been explored. Or is it? Read More
You may be surprised how much your dental practice would benefit from having profiles for your dentists. I have done numerous web searches both for Los Angeles dentist and dentists by name and there is usually very little information provided. I was shocked at how many dentists do not have a websit Read More
Are you wondering which e-marketing tools will work best for your organization? Nonprofit leaders & entrepreneurs can tailor online marketing to their specific needs with tips from Ventureneer. Read More
As with most collaboration apps, Central Desktop is general-purpose tool, trying to pack in all the features that every organization needs. But what if it could be focused on a specific industry? SocialBridge is, essentially, Central Desktop built only for use by creative agencies.
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