Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It's tricky to build up your business. Whether it's your first business or whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, it is nice to have some basic guidelines to go by. In this post, I lay down the law! These are the 10 Commandments of business building. Read More
SEO is one of those small business ideas that create a huge impact by make your website/blog a part of every search engine's most searched list. It's no Rocket Science, and is ideal for small business owners. Read More
I have produced a weekly podcast for about five years now. It started out as one of my content creation tactics but quickly became an important way to gain access to leading authors and marketing professionals. In fact, I’ve often referred to it as my secret weapon. Read More
For most people they are just living life as it is. They’re at the mercy of what happens to them; they hate their job, hate their spouse and while away time feeling sad.

Then there are those who design there life’s to be just how they want it. I call them the “Orgasmic Lifestyle Designer”
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We go to networking events and learn from our peers and establish connections. This was an event in the DC area and you will find this recap interesting for the content.
At a conference a speaker told me 90% of conference attendees do not take any action with what they learnt at the conference? Wh Read More
A few angel investors have slipped or fallen from their lofty perch, so entrepreneurs must take great care to validate the character and reputation of every prospective investor. The entrepreneur’s tendency to be in a huge hurry to obtain the funding can end up being disastrous, and play into the h Read More
The ninth post (about where the idea for The Rise To The Top came from) in a new series on David Siteman Garland's adventures in business and entrepreneurship. Read More
When two or more businesses share information and get the idea to pool their resources for the greater benefit of all involved, the amorphous “joint venture” is often identified as the choice vehicle for moving forward with the shared plan for innovation. Joint ventures can create immense value thr Read More

Leadership Does Not Get You Promoted

Leadership Does Not Get You Promoted - http://www.whatdoyouwantfromthem.com Avatar Posted by wdywft under Management
From http://www.whatdoyouwantfromthem.com 4949 days ago
Made Hot by: yoni67 on December 6, 2010 9:39 am
New hires wanted to become like him. Suppliers wanted to talk to him. Guests and staff were inspired by his wit and likeability. He had great influence. But guess what, I had more. Was I a better leader than he was? No. But I was in the unique position to have control over his work schedule, pay ra Read More
Imagine you are a producer, manager, or investor and an inspiring artist brings you a a promotional CD. Not just any CD, but a CD with a handwritten title, songlist, and contact information on the front with a Sharpie. In fact, some of the information is even grossly mispelled! Read More

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