Jakeadams voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A client called me up a couple of days ago with an interesting problem. They were in the closing stage of a very large deal. They had done a thoughtful job of understanding the customer business, their goals, the problems they were trying to address, and so forth. They had made a final presentation Read More

4 Cool Ways To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur

4 Cool Ways To Stay Motivated As An Entrepreneur  - http://www.megabizflakes.com Avatar Posted by locdad under News
From http://www.megabizflakes.com 4945 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on December 14, 2010 1:24 am
The entrepreneurship world is not an easy world where you can just go in and achieve success overnight. No, before you can win in a big way, you must surely face the grudges. No successful entrepreneur can tell you that he or she didn’t face any grudges before achieving success in life.

I’m not Read More
Planning for next year? Here are 5 tips to help you with your business planning for next year by taking a hard look at what went right and wrong this year and what trends are out there. Read More
Self discipline is what sets you apart from everyone else because you are gaining control of your own destiny. You must do what is required of you so whatever your goals and plans are learn to be in control by following them. Whenever you are starting out self control may be new to you because you a... Read More
By Rieva Lesonsky As a small business owner, you may not think of yourself as a trend-watcher. Truth be told, spotting trends is a key ability small business owners must possess. Whether you’re starting a new business or growing your existing one, you need to know what products and services are hot Read More
Just a few words of advice to new entrepreneurs. I still fall into this trap too from time to time. Read More
The victory of every business depends on the genuine relationship between business and customer. Relationship marketing is an imperative and absolutely Read More
As an angel investor who has considered hundreds of startup opportunities, the concept of a value proposition may be the most misunderstood and taken for granted element that I see in newly formed startups. While entrepreneurs freely throw around the term “value proposition,” they rarely offer a th Read More
Would you save money working in the restaurant business for 10 years to start your own business by buying a restaurant that doesn’t go that well? Probably not, but Aaron Leischke is the entrepreneur who did just that. Aaron faced many obstacles due to his age when it came to financing his business, Read More
This iconic, rugged, healthy Marketing figure brought billions upon billions in profits. He's considered one of the greatest Pitch-Men of all-time.

Yet many who portrayed him died of lung cancer.

A look at history, Marketing, Advertising and profits. And asking the question..."At what price Read More

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