Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Dots are great. They're little. And round. And dot-like.

I'm talking about the small, roundish mark that we're all familiar with, not the candy or the nickname for the name Dorothy (although those deserve respect, too). Look, here's one now: .

Cute, isn't it? Read More
You crank out more phone calls than you can count. You do everything possible just to get an appointment. What do you do when someone finally shows you some buying signs?

Too many sales people take the approach of, “I’m still waiting to hear back… they promised to call me when they are ready to move forward.”

Are you kidding me?!!!

I’m going to share two examples from my own personal sales experiences. These are things that I’m constantly working to improve upon. I hope these points help you win more deals Read More
Salespeople are often accused of and guilty of discounting their prices too early and too deeply. This can be a big mistake. But salespeople often discount a lot of things that are far more detrimental to their sales results Read More
Everyone understands the importance of a positive outlook in sales, but attitude does not make up for a lack of a well rounded plan. Well rounded here includes considering pitfalls and risks, if you are not prepared for those, no amount of positive outlook will help, except may in helping you feel better about losing a deal Read More
I just got a Forrester Research Alert today in my email. It directed me to a new report entitled, “Technology Buyer Insight Study: Executives’ Preferred Forms of Sales Contact.” If you are so inclined, you can purchase it here for $499.

I’m not going to buy it, but I think it’s a really interesting question. One that would be really valuable to present to the Better Closer community Read More
I've become enamored with those Korean Air TV commercials. Here's why they work. Now, will a Korean company please hire me so I can try Korean Air Read More
We sell in crowded marketplaces. In order to gain your dream clients time and attention, you need to be able to differentiate yourself and your company from your competitors. Differentiation is found in your people, your ideas, your beliefs, and your execution Read More
I’ve seen hiring managers try to scare interview candidates out of the job… telling them about the high volume phone and activity requirements.

Without fail, it’s like the sales person takes it as a challenge. Whether it’s true or not, the sales person usually says something like.. Read More
Great presenters are great storytellers. But they don’t tell their companies story alone. They coauthor a new story with their dream clients; a story that includes not only their beliefs and visions, but one that includes their client’s story, their beliefs, and their vision Read More
In sales you further with persuasion than hitting people over the head with facts no matter how accurate they may be. Why sales people continue to argue irrelevant facts rather than practicing the art of persuasion is a mystery, bit it usually comes down to lack of experience, or too much ego Read More

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