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Why Wordpress is so Popular ?

Why Wordpress is so Popular ? - http://123infoworld.com Avatar Posted by rajatahirqaiser under Online Marketing
From http://123infoworld.com 4175 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on February 4, 2013 8:00 pm
Why Wordpress is good choice among all Blogging Tools ? Why choose Wordpress ? - The Reasons behind popularity of Wordpress. Read More
Five Blogging you need to know if you want your blogging experience to be a success. Read More
Latest research shows facebook makes people envious...
so it might be a good idea to log out from times to times.
Read more to see what and how often to post to be liked Read More
As per data released by GlobalWebIndex, Google+ has surpassed Twitter and has become the second biggest social platform globally with 343 million active users. Read More

There Are No Magic Shortcuts: An Interview With Martin Zwilling

There Are No Magic Shortcuts: An Interview With Martin Zwilling  - http://rahulvarshneya.com Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From http://rahulvarshneya.com 4175 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 2, 2013 3:27 am
Rahul Varshneya interviews Martin Zwilling on how to successfully startup and effectively market your brand and your startup. Read More
Although, Google keeps tweaking its algorithm regularly, it makes sure that the basic SEO process is intact (unmodified). No matter how many Google pets arrive, blogs which follow these basics will never get penalized. Do you know these basic SEO tips that we're talking about? Find out here [...] Read More
Nearly everybody marketing on the internet uses email marketing to build a list, but few of them know about the benefits of list segmentation. List segmentation is the process of filtering out certain subscribers into a new sub list based on certain behaviour such as open rates, click through rates Read More

20 Sure-fire Ways to Be a Great Entrepreneur

20 Sure-fire Ways to Be a Great Entrepreneur  - http://www.businessgross.com Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Strategy
From http://www.businessgross.com 4175 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on February 1, 2013 1:42 pm
Successful entrepreneurs have great characteristics they live by. Even if you don’t have all of these characteristics, don’t fret. Most can be learned with practice and by developing a winning attitude.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires a lot of discipline and adoption of intangible va Read More
It is said that marketing is a key component of a particular product and needs to be taken into consideration when selling. There are several ways in which large organizations tend to market their products and get the much needed brand awareness they need. Read More
This week I chat to the godfather of content marketing Joe Pulizzi from the Content Marketing Institute. I've changed what I'm doing as a result, I hope you do too. Read More

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