Lyekh voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I am going to do some ranting in this post today. I have been blogging in this blog for almost 14 months and seldom you see me getting frustrated over certain things. Even though Findmyblogway is not considered a big blog but i get request from people submitting their guest post to me frequently. Read More
There is no way you can imagine how many talented bloggers are there in the blogosphere. Everyday i come across articles from my fellow bloggers who wow me with their in-depth and well research post A.K.A ultimate guides that help us to complete various blogging objectives. Read More

5 Uncomplicated Tips to Grow Your Blog

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4719 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on October 7, 2011 6:28 pm
The internet is rife with the virtues of social media marketing. Of course, the integral part of any digital marketing strategy is a successful blog or a website. Since blogs are necessarily easier to create, they become the first choice for most people. However, to morph into a top class blogger y Read More
I remember the day when i found out blogging is a way to make a living, i thought i have found a way out for an easier life. No longer i have to wake up at 6:30am in the morning rushing for work, nor i have to stuff in a traffic jam cursing and swearing why there are so many cars on the road. Blogg Read More
FindMyblogWay is giving you one more reason to comment on this blog. Why? Simply because this blog is now powered by CommentLuv(affiliate link) Premium Plugin. I have been a great fan of CommentLuv and G.A.S.P plugin by Andy Bailey. Both of these plugins are free and they are my priorities plugins Read More

In Blogging It’s not Who You Are - It’s What you Do

Avatar Posted by DSharkov under Marketing
From 4729 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on September 27, 2011 5:55 pm
In the following article I am going to reveal the steps that helped me turn my blog into something more than an average Blogspot diary! Read More

Smart Way of Linking Your Old Content to Keep Your Visitors Longer

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4732 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on September 26, 2011 3:20 pm
One of the main challenges of blogging is to reduce the bounce rate and keep our visitors to stay longer in our blog. What could be the best way than inter-linking your older content in your upcoming post so visitors can click on related articles and increase your pageviews. Read More
I have been ranting complaining a lot in the previous posts about why i prefer less traffic and why i hate to see people without a Gravatar when they comment. Recently i have been deleting comments that slip through to the post which i find adds no value to the post at all. I feel there is a need f Read More
Want more traffic? Of course you do. Then start writing headlines that attract readers. Why are headlines important? Read More
Our blog content is what brings our readers to us closer but a blog's sidebar definitely has its part to play as it display useful and important information. It's part of human nature to want more stuff and our blog's sidebar is one place where we always stuff as many information as possible for ou Read More

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