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12 Things You Should Do After Writing A Blog Post

Avatar Posted by DiTesco under Rock Your Biz
From 4421 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on July 25, 2012 4:41 am
Writing content is great, but for people to appreciate what you have to offer, they obviously must know that it exists. Here are some tips to promote your posts Read More
Establishing and managing a community blog is becoming an increasingly important role for all types of businesses, whether it's a tech startup or a major corporate brand.p Read More
Banner ads are a very important part of any marketing campaign and they can make the difference between a good campaign and a bad one just by the placement of a model's eyes. But there is something that is often overlooked: white space. Read More
It has never been easier to connect with customers. Whether new or old the Internet allows customers and entrepreneurs to develop an online reputation by talking directly to consumers via social networking sites, blogs and websites. For brands, the development has been revolutionary. Geography, tim Read More
Do you want to find out what people are saying about your blog, brand and company on social media websites? What is happening in your niche right now? Who is looking for your products or needs your professional services? If so, then keep reading. Here is the list of 15 free tools for researching an Read More
For most beginning bloggers, it's a set it and forget it kind of item. Yet in the long run it can be one of the most important decisions any upstart blogger makes. Unless you're using a free service such as Blogger or -- which is not at all recommended -- you'll need to buy a hosting Read More
It seems like almost every time I read a blog, I find a few things that they could do better and make more money. Sometimes, I see basic mistakes like blogs not being optimized for search engines, or ads that are irrelevant to the blog's audience. That's why I'm sharing a few ways that you can make Read More
The main purpose of a website is to increase profit rates of the company. Sometimes, a site receives huge traffic. Unfortunately, this traffic does not convert into paying clients, thus affecting business goals of the company. The best way to deal with this situation is to evaluate the site and imp Read More
In whatever trade of business you are in, a good reputation is something that you should keep in mind in order to make sure that your business grows. Email marketing is one of the strategies you can use to keep in touch or share information with your readers or customers and the way you manage this Read More

6 Ways of Earning Trust in Your Landing Page

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4625 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on January 3, 2012 6:02 pm
Your landing page is the front door of your store; the main thing that customers will use to decide whether or not to continue and buy something or whether they will head off to another site. Landing pages run a fine line between enticing people and giving enough information to be trustworthy. Read More

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