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Last Post in 2011

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4635 days ago
With a little more than a day to go, we will wave 2011 goodbye and open up our hands to welcome 2012. In the past couple of days, i bet you must have read bloggers talking about their resolutions for 2012, a roundup of their best post in 2011 and what you need to do to create a better blog in 2012. Read More
A blog with lots of comments is like the kid with lots of friends. That is, everyone wants to be that kid. Yet one of the most difficult aspects of blogging is fostering a robust comments section. As with the kid who has a lot of friends, the blog with lots of comments inspires plenty of envy in th Read More
Time really flies. We will be reaching the end of 2011 soon. I still remember the time when i wrote a post on tips to become a better blogger in 2011. Some of you may be new to this blog and probably miss that post. That's fine because i have another post for you on tips to create a better blog in Read More

How to Attract Readers and Search Engines to Your Blog

Avatar Posted by lyekh under Marketing
From 4646 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on December 20, 2011 7:34 pm
Trying to find the right formula to attract search engines and readers to your blog? There is no real big secret or mystery to the process. However, there are some points that are not necessarily obvious either. An absolutely integral part of building blog relevance and readership is consistency in Read More
Why do you need to have those long url? It's easy to change your permalink structure to custom permalink without losing any search engine traffic. Here's how.. Read More
Today I would like to talk about how you can stay motivated with your blogging. Blogging is a long term, little result commitment at the start. The only progress you will see is your increasing blog post and comment count over months of hard work. Main result like money and business do not come ove Read More
Finding your blogging groove after a long break is not easy. If you have taken a break from blogging and decided to make a comeback, you know exactly what I am talking about. Read More
The bounce rate of this blog has been hovering above 70% due to more than half of the visitors are first time visitors. I have also been attracting traffic from StumbleUpon which push the bounce rate even higher reaching 75.53% in September. I managed to reduce 10% by employing these two simply tac Read More
You are seeing little traffic in your blog now aren't you? You may have great content but your blog stats is pathetic. This is because other people may not know its existence. What you need to do is to gain exposure for your blog, bringing your blog name and brand to the front of others. Read More
Trying to outrank other blogs in the blogosphere. A well plan blog strategy leads the way and this how your blog can become a winner by following this eight strategies. Read More

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