Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Brain Hack Your Way to Success

How to Brain Hack Your Way to Success - Avatar Posted by SJC under Self-Development
From 3382 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on March 31, 2015 9:27 am
Have you ever driven your car to work in the morning? Suddenly, you are parked at your office, and don’t remember the drive?
The entire time you were thinking about what to make for dinner or planning that big meeting.
Of course this has happened to you. It happens to everyone.
This is because o Read More
Marketing to individual consumers is a lot different than marketing your products and services to other businesses. That is why Avanish Sahai, chief product officer for Demandbase, a targeting and personalization marketing platform for B2B marketers, says account-based marketing can improve your ef Read More
As we all know Money is the biggest motivation for any kind of work. If you’re making money from anything you will keep on doing that thing but if not, slowly you will lose interest unless that work is not your passion. The same applies to blogging also. Read More

7 Smart Content Solutions For Your B2B Marketing Plans

7 Smart Content Solutions For Your B2B Marketing Plans - Avatar Posted by ronsela under Social Media
From 3382 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on April 1, 2015 4:49 am
Have you ever taken a look at how you’re sharing content with other businesses that you want to market to? The content you’ve got can make a difference in all of your B2B marketing plans. There are many things that you can do right now in order to make your B2B marketing content more enticing. Read More
There is nothing new about streaming live video, you can do that via Google Hangouts, Ustream or Livestream. But the Meerkat App is a little different; it’s more like Vine or Instagram but with a Snapchat twist. Read More
Title is the next big thing in the clickbait world. The more your title clickbaity, the more you get traction, shares, engagement.
Learn the formula of writing appealing blog titles that people can not but click on it. Read More
Are you a solopreneur ninja helping passionate gurus manifest their vision? Then you need this post. Read More
Are you a solopreneur ninja helping passionate gurus manifest their vision? Then you need this post. Read More
My path to becoming a ghostwriter was anything but typical. In college, I trained as an actress, learning how to interpret and become a character, and as a writer, learning how to tell a character’s story in a way that induces empathy and understanding. After two years of performing on stage and pu Read More

How to Deal With Conflict Situations

How to Deal With Conflict Situations - Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Human Resources
From 3383 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on April 1, 2015 5:33 am
As other people don’t necessarily share your views, you are bound to get some conflict situations. You need to deal with other people who don’t always act the way you think they should act, nor do they speak to you in the way you expect to be spoken. How should you best handle a conflict situation? Read More

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