Profmarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Since the late 1990s search engines have treated links as votes for popularity and importance to rank a website in their search results. For search engines crawlers internet is the ocean of content and links are the route between pages. Using sophisticated algorithms and link analysis search engine Read More
One of the most difficult aspects of running a successful business is figuring out which activities are most worth your time and effort. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mundane tasks that can swallow up your time, leaving you with little ability to work on the things that truly matter. Once you g Read More
In the next few years, Generation Z – those born around the year 2000 – will be hitting their upper teens, entering their 20s and then embarking upon their careers. The challenge for businesses is finding a way to market to this new generation – a generation which interacts with society very differ Read More
Every brand in the vast expanse of the web wants to deliver great content to their audiences

- the sort of subject matter that has the perfect mix of search optimisation, polished quality, and viral potential. But what makes it great and how do you go about creating it?

Blown away by great Read More

Digital Marketing Strategy Part 1: Buyer Personas

Digital Marketing Strategy Part 1: Buyer Personas - Avatar Posted by Jimmy R. under Marketing
From 3385 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on March 26, 2015 11:39 am
How do you make sure that you are marketing in the right place? How do you make sure that your marketing methods/materials are as good of a fit as it can be to your ideal customers? This guide (and the succeeding ones will help you with just that. Read More
Public speaking is a great way to market your business and become known as an expert in your industry. But it rarely comes naturally and takes some practice.

To help you on your way to public speaking success, here are ten tips and tools to help you learn to embrace your nerves, delive Read More

Exposed: Why This Franchisee Went Out Of Business

Exposed: Why This Franchisee Went Out Of Business - Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 3385 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on March 26, 2015 9:24 am
Neil-the franchisee, brought a lot to the table. He was entrepreneurial, smart…well-rounded-he even attended law school. And, he was (is) really personable. All the things you’d want to see in a business coach. The executives at franchise headquarters must have loved him. Read More
Obsessed about your business? No, you’re driven. Driven to go above and beyond. So why settle for a business credit card that limits how much cash back you earn? Or charges you for an employee card? In your business, you accept every obstacle, deadline, and challenge but that shouldn’t extend to yo Read More
There are compliance elements to annual employee reviews, but they’re at the end of this article.
That’s not to minimize their importance; however, they are more “checklist” things. So first, we’ll discuss the more complicated, and often ignored, employee review.
Many small businesses miss a gre Read More

4 Signs SMEs Are Throwing Away Their Marketing Budget

4 Signs SMEs Are Throwing Away Their Marketing Budget  - Avatar Posted by ghutchings under Marketing
From 3385 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on March 26, 2015 1:29 am
Are you ready to make your budget work harder for a better ROI?
Here are the 4 key marketing mistakes that most B2Bs make, and more importantly, how to avoid them.
Read More

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