Resonancesocial voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Guest blogger Lisa Alexander, The Marketing Stylist®, enlightens us on how infographics can take your content marketing to the next level. Read More
Want to know how the experts create memorable web content? Learn from the pros themselves in this in-depth interview! Read More
Interesting post from Dave Kerpen about a C-level executive who was recently fired based on years’ worth of racist and misogynistic tweets. The Web 2.0 has made public figures out of all of us, regardless of job title, and we all need to take that responsibility seriously. Read More
As a "non-visual" type, I must admit I've been shying away from infographics, but folks like our friends at HubSpot are slowly peeling away my excuses. Thanks, guys ... I think :-) Read More
Twitter filed for IPO this week, and Brian Solis has a few thoughts on what this will mean for users, businesses, and the socialverse as a whole. Read More
In Episode 36 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we're talking about two big blocks that all content marketers deal with: fatigue and discouragement. Read More
Gigi Griffis shares on the Kapost blog an ingenious approach that lets you create more high-quality content with less time and effort. Seriously. Read More
Today we're continuing our Frequently Tweeted Question (FTQ) series with a discussion of the relationship between social media and content marketing -- it's closer than you may think. Read More

Best Time to Post on Facebook

Best Time to Post on Facebook  - Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Social Media
From 3951 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on September 17, 2013 7:05 am
I'm just getting used to the new Facebook Insights, so I was happy to find this post from Jen Picard on how to use the new analytics to determine the best times to post. Read More

10 Leaders Changing The Content Landscape

10 Leaders Changing The Content Landscape - Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From 3952 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on September 10, 2013 8:29 am
Forbes has identified 10 thought leaders who are changing the content marketing landscape, including Ryan Roslansky of LinkedIn, Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan at HubSpot, Evan Williams of Medium, and 7 others. Read More

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