Resonancesocial voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every day, businesses are missing out on millions of dollars’ worth of opportunities on Twitter. Gary Vaynerchuk proved it. Read More
Normally I'm not one for rants on pop-culture issues, but today I have an excuse: test-driving Medium, a new content site created by Twitter founders Ev Williams and Biz Stone. Love the clean interface and simple editing tool! Read More

Content Marketing Podcast 35: How to Handle Feedback

Content Marketing Podcast 35: How to Handle Feedback - Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From 3955 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on September 11, 2013 12:41 pm
In Episode 35 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we're talking about how to deal with feedback: comments on your blog, posts on your Facebook Page, emails about your latest white paper, etc. Read More
The next time you go with the lowest bidder for your content -- or anything, for that matter -- based on price alone, make sure you know what you could be getting into. Read More
As South Park prepares to launch Season 17 on Comedy Central, we've discovered a few pertinent lessons we content marketers can learn from TV's most foul-mouthed third-graders. Read More

8 Ways Highly Successful People Overcome Self-Doubt

8 Ways Highly Successful People Overcome Self-Doubt  - Avatar Posted by bmartinuzzi under Self-Development
From 3962 days ago
Made Hot by: businessgross on September 5, 2013 1:03 pm
It's easy to let circumstances and self-doubt sabotage your business. These tips will help you conquer your self-doubt, and become a more confident leader. Read More
In Episode 34 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we talk about how to work meatier content projects -- ebooks, white papers, e-courses, etc. -- into your day-to-day content marketing strategy. Read More
Content marketing is one of the most effective tools we have in helping mold consumer behavior. So what exactly is the key to this persuasion? Read More
A few months ago, I went to a friend’s blog to search for a great post he had written and I had previously left a comment on. I wanted to add a link to his article in a new blog post I was working on because I knew that the information in his post would be valuable to my blog readers. It’s also a g Read More
The next time you find yourself struggling to come up with creative content that will wow your audience, how about opting for a change of scenery? Read More

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