Resonancesocial voted on the following stories on BizSugar

With the dynamic duo of Tweriod and Buffer, scheduling on Twitter for maximum exposure has never been easier. Read More
In Episode 29 of the Content Marketing Podcast, Ryan Hanley of the Content Warfare Podcast shares his insights on content marketing for highly regulated industries (it can be done!), online video, scoring killer podcast interviews, and much more. Read More
If you're getting SEO traffic but not conversions, the reason could be the words you're using ... specifically, two little words that can be a total turnoff for even the most eager site visitor. Read More
The #1 reason businesses abandon blogs, YouTube channels, podcasts, and other content venues? They run out of ideas. The reason they run out of ideas? They didn't have a system. Read More

The perfect mix of content — shaken, not stirred

The perfect mix of content — shaken, not stirred - Avatar Posted by resonancesocial under Online Marketing
From 4003 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on July 29, 2013 7:06 am
Print, Web, or Social? The ideal mix is all three in the right proportions, as expressed in this innovative infographic from D Custom. Read More
Why small businesses might see better results by investing in strategies on networks where consumers will be the most receptive of their products and services. Read More
In Episode 28 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we're talking authenticity: what it really is, why it's important, and why "just be yourself" is the most bogus advice ever. Read More
Having trouble finding what you were looking for? Google offers a pocketful of useful tools that you may have never heard of. Read More
In a recent survey, MarketingSherpa asked marketers which types of content they considered the most difficult to create, and their answers might surprise you. Read More
Controversy. For some of us, it's like kryptonite; for others, it's more like oxygen. Love it or hate it, you need to know how to deal with controversy when it arises on your blog, and this post from Sherice Jacob, guest posting on ProBlogger, is a good place to start. Read More

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