Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

I liked the movie "The Social Network". To me, the film had some amazing lessons to teach. Whether the film was accurate or a dramatization really doesn't matter to me. And it is irrelevant whether you like or dislike Facebook, and whether the creator Mark Zuckerberg appeals. Business owners an Read More
Paul Caswell is the founder of and is currently landing big name clients like Comcast and pharmaceutical companies. Watch my interview with Paul to find out how he “lands and expands” these big name clients! Read More
By Rieva Lesonsky Women-owned small businesses have long been struggling to get their share of federal government contracting opportunities. With the recent finalization of the SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) rule, they will get a much-needed boost.

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Business Lessons from your Dog

Business Lessons from your Dog - Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 5000 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on October 22, 2010 8:04 pm
Have you ever thought of how your dog would perform running your business?…strange question I know, and up until today it had never crossed my mind either.

Don’t worry, I haven’t suddenly flipped out…here’s the back story. Read More
A lot of businesses still rely on a variety of print advertising to promote products and services. Brochures, magazine ads and flyers are all great ways to provide potential customers with a physical and visual way to engage with your business. However most print advertising will simply list the bus Read More
As someone who has been wanting to see “The Social Network”, I was sceptical that it was going to be able to live up to it’s 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes – the bar seemed way too high. Also, I wasn't convinced that Aaron Sorkin, with his rapid fire, wisecracky, yet somewhat unrealistic dialogue, Read More
An effective marketing strategy that should not be overlooked is good old fashioned advertising.

But remember, in today’s social media connected world, we’re not talking about ads developed by mad men over three martini lunches, we're talking about advertising with a social media twist. Read More

Selling and the Difference Between Price and Cost

Selling and the Difference Between Price and Cost - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5001 days ago
Made Hot by: amabaie on October 22, 2010 11:30 pm
Your role in sales is to make all things unequal. This means shifting the competition from price to cost. Read More

Essential Video Marketing Tips For Internet Entrepreneurs

Essential Video Marketing Tips For Internet Entrepreneurs - Avatar Posted by davidywhitey under News
From 5001 days ago
Made Hot by: sprout_insights on October 22, 2010 4:08 pm
How would you care to own a pattern for making good & persuasive videos? Video marketing has become a must have skill for today’s online seller. Bellow are some essential video marketing tips that i prefer to share with you. Read More
Want to drive more traffic to your blog/website, reinforce your brand and keep people from following a link from your site and not coming back? Here are 4 basic steps to get you started. Other than your time, you can follow all of these tips for free. Read More

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