Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Content writing is not always an easy task. This is especially true when one has to keep SEO in mind, writing promotional content. There are numerous guides and “tips & tricks” lists on content writing, and what I’ve noticed is that most (if not all) of them focus on English.
This is a short list Read More
I must admit, I had hoped that by teaming with Steve Woodruff to create #LeadershipChat – a new, weekly opportunity for leaders across the globe to get together via Twitter and talk about the challenges and excitement surrounding our leadership roles – that collectively we would make each other bet Read More
You should know up front that this isn’t some wild success story about how I made a million dollars overnight. It’s a small, realistic success that you can do yourself.

I’m sharing it with you because I think those are sometimes more powerful and certainly more doable than the wild o Read More
Solid, well-planned & creatively executed presentations are what sell ideas. To assist your effort we have 3 free tools to help you nail your next presentation. Read More
Many would-be entrepreneurs are discouraged from starting a business because they don’t have enough cash. However, by following some of ideas mentioned here you can launch a business as long as you have passion and willingness to work hard. Read More
Earlier in the decade the music industry was in shambles. They were teetering on the brink of destruction and were desperate for a solution. Enter Steve Jobs.. Read More
Three things you need to consider before trying to advertise like McDonald’s. Good advice for what you should know before investing in advertising for your small business.

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Interesting topic that seems to come up in most businesses. The employee who everyone hates but no one will fire because they are too good at what they do for the company! Read More
If you haven’t had a failure, you aren’t pushing the limits. If you are really an entrepreneur, you are a risk taker and less cautious by nature, so failures should be expected. Wear you startup failure as a badge of courage. Don’t go after failure, but embrace it when it does happen and grow from Read More
The iPhone has become the smartphone mobile tool of many professionals since its release a few years ago. With its funky design and touch screen, and riding on the brand of Apple, some professionals consider it a business essential. Read More

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