Sannwood voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why Facebook Fans May Just Be Useless

Avatar Posted by MattKostanecki under Online Marketing
From 4721 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on October 30, 2011 12:18 am
What's in a fan? To understand the true value of a fan, we need to consider their context, their behavior and the resulting data generated for marketers. Read More

Why Your Bank Won’t Protect You From Hackers

Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Finance
From 4721 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 29, 2011 1:31 am
Many banks do not have a policy that ensures their business customers will be compensated, or made whole, for losses resulting from fraudulent activity. When it comes to business accounts, there is no legal requirement for them to reimburse you for such losses. Read More
Much like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates is perhaps one of the most common household names among those who own computers. Whether you are a die-hard Microsoft user or not, you should know Bill Gates’ name much like you should know your own. Read More
On my latest episode of the Spotlight on Success Show, I invited non-profit expert, Sheryl Hill, Founder of Clear Cause Foundation, to provide us insight on the best tips for starting and growing a non-profit organization.

With years of experience, and an outstanding team of leaders and resource Read More
"Our study, Enterprising States, focuses on what makes certain states attractive places to locate, relocate and expand in this uncertain economy; the unintended consequences of cutting certain items from a state budget; and what types of investments the public and private sectors can make now to im Read More
This list here is the ultimate list of the Top 25 Upcoming Small Business Blogs which you should be following in 2012. The reason we call this the ultimate list is because we do not rely on some meaningless metrics or numbers to come up with this list. We all know these metrics and numbers can be m Read More

Marketing Blitz For Extra Sales | M4B Marketing

Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4722 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on October 31, 2011 3:16 am
Have you ever had a messy office or garden and decide that you can’t stand it any more? If you have, you most likely quickly decided what to do, worked up a plan of action and got stuck in to fixing it up. This type of activity can also be done with the marketing of your brand. Read More
With unemployment on the rise, companies looking to get leaner and individuals looking to achieve better work-life balance, working at home is becoming more popular than ever. So what are some of the top work at home jobs for 2011 – 2012? Take a look below at the different career paths for working Read More
The death of Steve Jobs has affected people all over the world. Some people disliked him, many more people admired him but it’s hard to deny he changed the world we live in a major way. It got me thinking after hearing many people talk about him after his death, was he really that great? My short a Read More
In this post you'll learn about the psychology behind creating the best Craigslist ad possible so you're able to easily and quickly sell whatever you want. Read More

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